More Oldies?

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Hey guys! I apologise for the very late update D:, school has been crazy with assignments! That and I've been quiet lazy which isn't a good thing...anywho, I've only go two more weeks before school is done for the term which means 2-3 weeks holidays for me! I'll try to work on my other book which is still being worked on followed by another one and a returning series! Your probably wondering what that is...hmmm....I wonder what it is? Anywho! Without further ado, here's the chapter you've been waiting for, buckle up, grab that popcorn and prepare for the next chapter!

Johnny sat beside Dexter, his head hanging low, tears streaming down his face "I-it's my fault dad..." Johnny sobbed softly "It's alright son...don't beat yourself up..." Dexter spoke calmly as he put his hand on Johnny's back "I-it is...I couldn't...control my anger..." Johnny sniffed, Nana walked over to Johnny and Dexter "Still crying is he?" Nana asked raising an eyebrow. Johnny stood up and ran over to Nana, nearly knocking her over, he looked at Nana "I-i-is she okay?!" he blurted out, Nana looked at Johnny in disgust "She's perfectly fine Johnny. Now clean your face up..." Nana shuttered as she made her way towards Dexter and sat down beside him, followed by the miserable Johnny.

"Oh my god Cedric! Would you be quiet!" a voice yelled "Me? Quiet? Says you Marlene!" Cedric hissed "It's bad enough that we got a phone call at 3am in the morning to be told our daughter is in hospital! Your whinging is making it worst!" Marlene shouted. Johnny looked up and saw two porcupine walking past him. "Your not Ash's parents by any chance?" Nana asked standing up, both porcupine's turned around and looked at Nana "Indeed we are." Marlene spoke sweetly "I'm Mar-" "Marlene and Cedric? We know. We could hear the both from down the hall." Nana groaned, Cedric and Marlene made their way towards Nana, Dexter and Johnny. "So what was this about a broken or sprained ankle?" Cedric asked, reading through his phone "Oh dear! It was a broken ankle that Ashley has." Marlene reminded the old male porcupine. "Ohh..." Cedric said softly, Marlene shook her head "Ash's son here, Johnny...put her in the hospital..." Dexter said as he sighed "WHAT?!" Cedric's face turned into a massive frown "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY LITTLE BABY YOU BAFOON!" Cedric shouted as he ran over to Johnny "B-buffoon...?" Johnny asked awkwardly "Cedric calm down!" Marlene shouted as she ran over and pulled Cedric away from Johnny. "My apologies, Marlene, Cedric. Johnny is usually very good to Ash and would never ever put Ash in hospital. It's just that his anger issues got the best of him, he can't control his anger." Dexter reassured Ash's parents. Marlene nodded "It's understood, Marcus." "It's Dexter..." Dexter corrected Marlene "Oh I'm sorry Rusty. My bad." Marlene smiled. Dexter shook his head.

Nana stood up and peaked down the hall "Here comes a nurse...I wonder if we'll be able to see Ash now." Nana thought to herself, before turning around to look at Dexter, Johnny, Cedric and Marlene "That's so nice to hear James! I'm glad to hear that your taking care of our Ashley, she always was stubborn when it came to boys. The only boy she's dated besides you is young Lesley who cheated on her with that Claudia girl." Marlene said sweetly as she shook her head. Johnny scratched the back of his head "T-that's nice to know...Marlene..." Johnny said, smiling slightly "Are all of you here to see Miss Ashley?" a nurse asked as she came into the waiting room, "Yep." They all answered, the nurse rolled her eyes "She's in room 184." the nurse said before walking away.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now