Chapter 8 - Stories

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The first afternoon passed in a wreck. Finally, evening came, and I was heading off to my dorm. I was hoping to kill the rest of the trip in my dorm from that second. To my disappointment, Amy called me.

After being dragged by Amy, I found myself in the living room on the second floor. And I found myself being glared from almost everyone.

I felt really awkward. The blonde girl I met before was somehow smirking.

“I think I’d better go. I am a little tired.” I told Amy and started back.

Amy bit her lip: “Er, I don’t think you have a choice.” Then she explained how the story-telling was part of the tradition of this trip. Since I’m a newcomer, I was voted to be the teller for tonight. There was also a real story-teller. An aged man with white hair was invited here every time. He was asked to tell stories after the student.

“What if I don’t?” I asked, not feeling very comfortable with the situation here.

“I guess they’ll make you do something as punishment, like making you spend a night in a guy’s dorm or something.”

I surrendered and sat down in a chair. I wasn’t familiar with the feeling of in the spot light. Believe me; it wasn’t so good if most of the people were glaring at you.

Amy told me that it should be a scary story. I didn’t read much of those in the past. I looked up at her: Help------

She mouthed a few words: the elevator.

“The elevator?” I said out loud, and searched in my head. Oh, there was one.

“Ok, it wasn’t like a scary story. It is just like a game you play and you’ll meet ghosts. Is that Ok?”

The others nodded. The blond girl didn’t seem so happy, but she didn’t object.

“Then here it is.

To play this game, you’ll have to go to a building with twelve floors and an elevator. There have to be twelve people in the game. Once you get into the building, everyone is to be labeled with numbers from one to twelve. Then everyone goes into the elevator.

Inside the elevator, the players should stand in a circle, but between number one and twelve, there should be space for another person. The players should keep quiet, and say their names for three times in silence, then put out their right hand on the shoulder of the player on their right. If number one felt someone on his right, then the ghost has already come into the elevator.

After the visit of the ghost, the players are required to ride up to the twelfth floor. Number twelve gets off, the door closes. The other players says number twelve’s name for three times in silence, and then rides to the first floor, then back to get number twelve. It is the same for number eleven to two. Number eleven gets to the eleventh floor, ten gets to the tenth floor, etc.

After everyone else has been left on a floor, number one has to ride to the twelfth floor again, and get out.

Everyone else stays in the elevator and get back to the first floor. Next, these get out. The elevator goes up to the twelfth floor to collect number one. If number one can’t get back on his own, the others have to rescue him.

After the others ride to the twelfth floor, and the elevator door opens, they will see something behind number one. It is said that the thing is what the person did a bad deed on in his former life. So number one should never look back in case the ghost haunts him.

The rescuers should blow together at the thing behind him, until it disappears. Then number one gets back in the elevator, everyone goes back to the first floor. Game finishes.”

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