Make Money through Apps

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The world is increasingly using mobile devices for literally everything these days. With billions of smartphones and tablets in use around the world, the demand for apps that help transform people's lives has never been higher.

Tha Wattpad app is an excellent example of this trend.

The best way to position yourself to meet the need of apps is to learn code/programming.

The truth is; code/programming is the future. With almost everything these days requiring some form of technology integration, learning programming is undoubtedly one skill whose importance you cannot overemphasize.

Interestingly, many run away from programming because they feel they cannot learn all the coding involved in this type of profession. However, many home-based entrepreneurs now see the enormous financial potentials that the programming and app industry presents. You don't want to hire a developer every time an idea pops up. If you could develop your apps fast, you would build a successful app empire, right? You could even get paid to develop apps for people! Luckily, you can learn how to code without stepping into a programming class.

Some very successful programmers and app developers we know today didn't have to enroll in any day programming class before they could grab what they need to succeed as programmers. With different platforms, tools, and resources scattered all over the internet, you can be sure that with some dedication, you too can learn how to code.

Let's see some of the most popular places where you can learn free coding to become a home-based programmer and app developer.

Code Academy: As a beginner in the coding and programming field, code academy can be a good place to begin. This platform allows you to choose from several track courses with an emphasis on:

* Python

* Javascript

* jQuery



* Ruby

You can visit CodeAcademy for more information.

Khan Academy: This is another excellent place to begin your coding career. This platform has been around for a while and has easy-to-follow courses with step-by-step video tutorials to help you have a grip on the coding basics. Visit this platform to begin.

Coursera: This platform is the king of online education for a reason; Coursera offers free courses to several American universities, and coding courses make up part of these free classes for anyone willing to learn. You can learn more on their website.

Google University Consortium: Even the king of the internet - Google, is not left out in the free coding training business. On this platform, you can find coding help in the following areas:

Even the king of the internet - Google, is not left out in the free coding training business. On this platform, you can find coding help in the following areas:

* Web development

* Mobile/Android development

* Programming languages

There are also some platforms where you can begin your home-based coding career for a fee. Here are some you could visit:

Treehouse will teach you with a combination of videos challenges and quizzes for as low as $25 per month on their basic package. They will also help you learn where you can sell your skills online. You can visit their site to learn more.

Code Avengers use a combination of challenges and games to help you learn to code in a 60-hour course. You can start for free and pay $40 to complete the 2nd and 3rd levels. Look for their website to learn more.

I know you might be wondering; so how exactly will you know which types of apps to develop anyway?

In the next chapter, you will get some ideas.

See you there on next Wednesday.

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