Chapter 1

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Don't own Harry Potter dude

Also, Destiny is made up of:

Death (prefers to be male)

Life (prefers to be female)

Chaos (prefers to be male)

Luck (female) (probably a minor character)

Chance (male) (another possible minor character)

Fate (female)

Intelligence (female)

Memory (male and he's a minor character)

Memory (male and he's a minor character)

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"Push Bella push!" A frantic Narcissa urged. Screams erupted and a sweaty woman was pushing a living being out of her stomach. Not a good thing to think about.

"I will kill Rodolphus once this baby is out if my stomach!" Bellatrix snarled. A contraction washed over her and she screamed. Narcissa winced. She did not want to be in Rodolphus's shoes right now. Poor guy. Bellatrix groaned as the doctor yelled that they could see the head. Narcissa sighed. Hopefully when she gives birth, it won't be as bad. Hopefully.

Le Time Skip

A cry was heard. Bellatrix cried out in relief. Narcissa squealed at the sight of the baby- He looks so cute Bella! (but the baby looked more like a shrivelled up grape- a raisin if you may)- and Rodolphus came crashing in the room, a goofy smile on his face.

"Where's my boy? Where's the heir of the Lestrange family?" Rodolphus asked. Since Bellatrix felt more calm, she did not kill her husband physically (she glared at him instead and being glared at by your wife that just gave birth is the equivalent of dying). Rodolphus shuddered.

"He is with his mother. Also, a question sir, madam, what is the child's name?" A nurse asked, ready to write the certificate.

"Rigel Cygnus Lestrange", Bellatrix said hoarsely. Rigel was a constellation (the tradition of the Blacks) and started with an R (the tradition of the Lestranges. Rodolphus frowned a little.

"Why not Hyperion?" Rodolphus asked. Bellatrix glared at him again. Rodolphus sighed.

"I wanted a name that would carry out both of our name traditions. Do you want to change it?" Bellatrix said, her tone of voice changed to a challenging tone when she neared the end of her sentence. Rodolphus thought for a moment. Hyperion was a good name, but wouldn't it be nice to carry on the traditions? Rodolphus inwardly shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to have that name.

"Of course not Bella. The name is a proper name for the Lestrange heir", Rodolphus assured his wife. Bellatrix smirked. She knew from the start that her husband would agree with her.

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