Author's Note

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Mother, did you not understand?
Mother, I was starved at your side.
I was born with my father's sharp, taking teeth-
You shouldn't have left a girl ravenous
for blood alone
to graze among the roses.
It was never enough.
- love, persephone

|| Author's Note ||
Thank you for beginning this adventure with me. For years, I have loved Greek Mythology, and have always been captivated by the stories of Olympus, but have noticed a theme.

It is a man's world, and the woman is often potrayed as helpless, ignorant, jealously-driven, or sexually promiscuous.

I don't think these women were one dimensional characters. They deserve to have their story told, and properly.

The book you're about to read is the first book in the Women of Olympus series, giving new insight in Kore, Aphrodite, Medusa, and others.

The following story is a more romantic retelling of the myth. I have always had issue with the idea that Kore would be easily taken away from under Demeter's nose unwillingly, or that she would eat the pomegranate seeds ignorantly or by force. To me, this is not a tragic tale of abduction, but of forbidden, star-crossed lovers.

In all the books of the Women of Olympus series, I will be taking some privilege in going outside of the typical myths and legends, in some cases completely fabricating events and details, so if you're looking for a 100% accurate retelling of the legends, this is not the book for you. I do hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless- it's a labor of love for me. ❤️

Also, please note that this book is currently a first draft, unedited, and not reviewed closely- this includes all attached media, such as videos or pictures. I adore constructive criticism and need YOUR help to make this book the very best it can be- so fire away your questions, comments, concerns, and advice. Thank you again for your read!

 Thank you again for your read!

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