Forty Nine: The King of Jotunheim

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Sigyn walks into her chambers, she ripped off the cape to her dress and tossed it. She kicked off her shoes and pulled the braids from her hair in an unruly and tangled way. Her fingers try to work her hair and when a braid got knotted she grumbled. Dropping her hands she falls into the sofa. Then tried again.

The flames from the pit spat embers and the locks crackled. From the flames she see's unnatural movement, like eyes blinking at her and a face in the embers. The image of her king father appears and a projection of his body stands before her. The fire turns into a soft hue of deep oranges and yellow.


"My daughter." he beamed at her. "I have heard the great news!"

"Which one? That Odin has fallen?"

The King of Vanaheim laughed heartedly. "That you are the queen of Asgard?! Do you know how happy this makes me? Your mother and I are thrilled, we never thought the day would come. But I never imagined what the Seer said would happen this way and so soon as well."

"I am not the queen, father." she told him. He cocked his brow. "It doesn't feel like at least. I am merely queen consort to Loki who is acting king instep of Odin. This is not the prophecy foretold, father. It doesn't feel like it anyway."

Iwaldi huffed. "Well, Siggy. Regardless I am proud of you and happy. Having the Nine Realms under your guide and protection if a huge role to step into even if only temporarily. Where is your husband, I don't see him at this hour?" he looked around the chamber.

"Chasing duties. There is a great number of concern since Odin fell into his sleep."

"Ah, like the Jotuns and Thor being banished?"

Sigyn's head perked. "How did you know, I had not sent the raven yet?"

"I might not have a hall to sit and gaze at the Nine Realms or have magical all seeing eyes, but as a father, I make it my duty to know the troubles of my family... and as king to know my enemies moves."

"Of course."

"Is Loki treating you well?"

"Yes, father. But since the tittle of king fell to him... it is as though Loki's ambitions have grown tenfold now he has the power to exact them. Order and rule must be abided by even by our closest friends and within a day he has shown no leniency. I feel as though he is planning something behind my back. Something larger than usual.

"I understand. Come home, Sigyn. This will only cause you great harm."

"I cannot leave the people to his care alone. Those duties as queen consort now also fall unto me. I am expected of things now."

"Very well. Never forget you can call upon my armies at any moment you need."

"Thank you, father. It is rather late now and I think I will be heading for bed."

"Send Vali my best wishes and I will see him tomorrow. Good night my little bird."

"Goodnight, father."

Hours it felt like. She lay awake staring at the ceiling tossing and turning. Waiting for Loki to come to their bed chambers as he promised her. She could not wait all night. She tried to fight back the sleep. Blinking her eyes awake when they slipped shut.

Sigyn sighed and rolled onto her good side, stuffing a hand beneath her pillow. Her tired eyes staring at the adjacent walls. Tired and frustrated with herself, Sigyn flicked back the sheets and got to her feet. He lied to her. Of course he did. He was hunting their friends now that his power-hungry mind has seized the throne and all its entitlements. And was silly enough to believe his words.

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