New Directions

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All the alumni came back to spend our last week of glee club together. Our assignment was to sing a song that was sung in glee club before, but to reinvent it in some way. Some people did this, while others sang new songs. There's also this lady named April Rhodes, who apparently taught Tina how to shoplift meat from her vagina, and a substitute teacher named Holly Holiday. So much happened before I joined glee club, I literally have no idea who those two women are. After a bunch of amazing performances, all of us made a video for Mr. Shue. It was to his future child, telling him what an amazing man their father is. After he finished watching the video, Journey's Don't Stop Believin' began. Rachel was the first one to sing. She was followed by Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and Artie, the first glee club members. Finn was there too, I knew he was watching down on us and singing along. Next came out Puck, Mike, Santana, Quinn, and Brittany. Now it was our turn to join them. Sam led the way as Blaine, Marley, Unique, Jake, Kitty, Ryder, and I followed him to the stage. Mr. Shue finally came on the stage and completed the performance. It was the perfect way to end the glee club.

It was graduation day, well not for me, but for Tina, Sam, Blaine, and Artie...and all the other seniors. Unique, Kitty, Jake, Marley, Ryder, and I were all cleaning up the choir room, cherishing every last moment.
"Kitty, when you see me in the hall, will you say hello?" Unique asked as she walked through the classroom with a trash bin in her hand.
"Of course. Someone's got to tell you your shoes don't match your purse." Kitty answered.
"Cheerio, please. My shoes always match." Unique sassily responded back. Me and Marley giggled at them.
"I cannot believe that Sue Sylvester finally shut us down. She won. She actually won." Jake said as he sat down on the piano bench. I put down the chair I was going to stack and sat down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. I was about to speak, but Tina beat me to it.
"You guys, you're gonna miss my big moment! Get your butts to the auditorium!" She shouted as she ran in through one door and ran out the other. Ryder put down the broom in his hand and Jake stood up from the bench.
"Hang on a second." I said as I got up too.
"Sue Sylvester didn't win. Maybe she took away glee club, but she'll never take away what we had. We were part of something incredible." I smiled as I finished.
"It was more than that." Ryder continued. "We helped each other become better people in this room. No one can ever take that away from us." He walked towards me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned my head on his arm and took a deep breath, looking around and remembering all the great memories in this room.
"Come here!" Marley said excitedly and we group hugged.
"You remember Superman?" Ryder asked Jake.
"I do, that was good." We all laughed and shared a few more memories, then it was off to the auditorium to clap for the graduates.

I got home that day and put my bag down at the dining room table.
"How was your day?" my mom asked me. I sighed and gave her a weak smile. She pulled me into a hug, understanding how much it hurts to lose something so dear to you. It stings now, but I think I'll feel better soon. Besides, it's not like I'm never gonna see my friends again. They still go to McKinley after all.

Changing Directions | My New Direction book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang