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I got into glee club and sat down. I immediately turned my phone in and started checking for Jurassic World tickets (A/N I know that the movie comes out a couple of years later, just bare with me). Ryder sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
R: What are the times?
A: Saturday I have off so that day there is 8: 35 p.m. and 11: 08 p.m.
R: Let's go with 8: 35.
A: Ok, 3D or regular.
R: Hmmmmm, 3D.
A: Alright, it's a date. *kisses him*
R: *kisses back*
Mr. Shue came in freaking out about some sophomore from the Hosierdaddies. She has an amazing voice, so we needed to be better. Suddenly, the lights went out, not good. I've never really told anyone, but I'm afraid of the dark. I squealed and jumped into Ryder's lap.
R: Um you ok, Air?
A: *scared* What happened to the lights! Monsters, Zombies *gasps* What if Electro is taking all of the energy from the city and is gonna kill all of us, just like in The Amazing Spiderman 2!
R: *laughs* Relax, babe, nothing's gonna happen, I'll protect you.
A noise went off as the speaker came on for Principal Figgins to talk, which caused me to squeal again and hold on to Ryder tighter. After the announcement was over, Mr. Shue made a new lesson for the week.
Mr. S: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's unplugged week.

I walked through the halls, clenching onto Ryder's arm. He would laugh any time I would squeal from a book falling or a locker being slammed.
A: This isn't funny, Ry, I've never told people about this fear, it's a huge secret.
R: Come on it's not that bad.
A: Everyone was laughing at me in glee club! Thats bad.
R: Well there are worse secrets.
A: Like what? I thought your biggest secret was *whispers* dyslexia.
R: Well, there's something else.
A: What is it?

The week started with Sam singing You've Lost That Loving Feeling. Ryder started to sing along with Sam. He would do little flirty stuff with me as he sang, which caused me to blush.

Next up was Ryder. He said that what he wanted to unplug was his feelings.
R: I'd like to dedicate this song to us. For all of the slushies,  real and proverbial that we've all taken to the face over the years.
He sang Everybody Hurts. I thought about all of the slushies that I had to deal with. My first one was cherry. I was walking down the hall with Finn, it was my second day of being in glee club. We turned a corner and were stopped by two cups flying in our faces. Finn almost mauled the guys, if it weren't for me. I started to rub my eyes, but nothing stopped the stinging. Finn brought me into the girls bathroom and wiped the red off of my face. He told me that it gets easier and not to give up, I listened. Once Ryder finished, we all clapped and he finally started to reveal his feelings.
R: I've only told one person this, not even my parents know. That person gave me the courage to grow some balls and tell you guys this secret.
I looked at him with sympathetic eyes. I knew what he was going to say, I was that person who gave him that courage.
R: When I was 11 I was molested by my babysitter. She just walked in the shower and started to touch me.
S: Wait, did you just say "she"?
Artie: Like as in a teenage girl?
R: Ya, she was like 17 or 18.
S: Dude! You're 11 and some hot 18 year old plays with your junk, I would kill for that!
Artie: *laughs* Why are you ashamed of this?
R: I don't know, it kind of messed me up a bit.
Mr. S: Guys, this is not something to high five about.
Sam kept rambling on about how lucky Ryder was. Honestly, I wanted to slap both of the so hard, that they'd just die.
T: Guys, this is so uncool.
M: His truth is his truth, not yours.
R: Whatever, it's cool. The guys are right. I'm like the luckiest guy ever.
Ryder was going along with it, but he was obviously hurt. I can't believe that they'd react like that! I got up and walked over to sure Ryder was, but before, I shouted some very not nice words to Sam and Artie.
A: You guys are pigs. I thought you were better than this, but you're not. You're assholes.
I sat down next to Ryder and hugged him. I told him that it was good he got those feeling out and shared it with people who cared, obviously Sam and Artie are excluded from that.

I got into the library where I saw Ryder on the computer. I walked up behind him and surprise hugged him. I kissed his temple and sat down in his lap.
A: Whatcha doin?
R: Homework stuff.
A: Well I hungry, let's go get Subway!
R: After I finish.
I pressed the power button on the computer and it turned off. Ryder looked at me like wtf  but it turned into a soft smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I let go, and went on to talk about the dreaded topic.
A:  I know it may not seem like it, but it's good you told everyone.
R: *sighs* I know, I just wish Sam and Artie didn't react like that.
A: They're assholes, I honestly wanted to shove my foot so far up their asses-
R: *strokes her hair* Calm down, Air.
A: *takes deep breath and then exhales* Sorry, I'm just really angry at them.
R: I know, but look, I'm ok, you don't need to worry.
I looked into those big brown doe eyes and couldn't help but blush. I sighed and kissed him again.
A: I love you.
R: *smiles* I love you too.

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