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Glee club started with two very special guests, very dear to my heart, Carol and Burt. We all came over and gave them hugs. Once all of that was over, we all sat down and they gave a little speech.
"We just wanted to come in and say that Finn really cared about you guys. More than you know." Burt started off with an immediately I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the sound of his name. I sniffled a bit and Ryder put his hand on my thigh, comforting me. I put my hand over his and gave him a smile through my glassy eyes.
"Finn always said that winning nationals was the greatest accomplishment of his life, but I honestly believe that coaching you guys to winning would've meant even more to him." Carol continued. Everyone was getting teary eyed.
"Now we're not saying go out there and win it for Finn. That wasn't his style. What Finn would've said was this is the time of your lives right now, you're never gonna forget it, and in a moment it's all gonna be over." Burt said. It's true, he would've said something like that.
"So no sad faces." Carol said, making eye contact with me. I laughed through my watery eyes and wiped away a tear.
"Just go out there and have a blast! And, you know, it'll be ok if you won the damn thing!" Carol joked, we all laughed along. Mr. Shue told us that Carol and Burt would be coming along as chaperones, which we all cheered along to. In Ryder's case, grabbing his suitcase and lifting it up excitedly. We all decided on one song before we go, "I Love LA" by Randy Newman. And just like that, we were in LA! After getting through a bunch of sight seeing and tours, we went to the hotel we were staying at. Unfortunately, we were having a bit of trouble with getting our rooms. As I went on complaining about how sucky hotel service was, Kitty excitedly said in my ear "Don't look now, but I think someone famous just walked in." In which of course I turned around and saw a very glamalicious looking Mercedes Jones walking in with a fake dog in her arm?! We all surrounded her with questions about the rumors of how she got famous. She explained to us that she was selling her CDs in a parking lot when the housekeeper of Kanye West bought one. Kanye then gave it to Kim, who gave to Ryan Seacrest, who gave it to Sony Records. Long story short, she has a record deal. So yay! Mr. Shue was still trying to get our reservations when a big groups of people came in, they looked about our age so I'm guessing that they're one of our competitors. According to Blaine, they're Throat Explosion aka OUR WORST NIGHTMARE. Their leader, Jean Baptiste came up to us.
"Bonjour! You must be the New Directions!" Ok it didn't sound like it, but they came off extremely intimidating.
"Best of luck New Directions. We can't wait to see your set and crush you like a bug." Ok rude. I gave Jean a nasty glare while he walked past us, the rest of Throat Explosion following.

We finally got our rooms after so much waiting! God damn Sue Sylvester for telling the people there that Mr. Shue kidnapped us. I plopped my suitcase on the bed next to Marley's. She was already settled in while I was ranting on about Throat Explosion.
"I swear I could've ripped that guy's head off! I can't wait to win this thing and rub it in their faces. Their stupid, shitty faces." Marley laughed as I went on, but the laugh turned into a sigh as she sunk down on her bed. I stopped unpacking my stuff and I looked at her, confused.
"You ok Marls?" I asked as I sat down next to her and rubbed her back. She sighed again and sat up.
"Ya it's just..." I raised my eyebrow at her.
"It's just what?" She sighed again and shook her head.
"Nothing, it's nothing." I groaned.
"Marley!" I whined and she gave in.
"I entered my songs into this contest." She started.
"And you lost?" I asked.
"Worse, I didn't hear back at all. And I guess I took that as a wake up call-" I raised my eyebrows again and grabbed her hand.
"No Marley! Come on, it's just one contest!" I interrupted her, a little scared that she'd quit with her music career.
"Actually I've entered a bunch of contests, Air." I sighed and let go of her hand.
"I'm sorry Marls. But that doesn't mean you should just give up!" She sighed and looked away from me.
"Marley, is there something else you're not telling me?" I asked. She turned back to me and gave me a sad smile.
"This is going to be my last competition." I widened my eyes and stood up.
"You're quitting glee club!" I said, shocked. She looked down and then back up at me.
"Please don't tell anyone Arica, I just want to have fun my last competition." I groaned and crossed my arms, giving her an angry look. She just gave me a pleading look. I sighed and gave up, sitting down next to her.
"Fine, but I'm angry now." She gave me a small smile and rubbed my back.
"You'll get over it Air, I know you love me." She teased as she put her head on my shoulder, which I responded by smiling and placing my head on top of hers.
I heard a knock on the door later that night. I was the only one up, Marley was asleep and I stayed up watching TV. I got up quietly and opened the door, Ryder. I smiled and walked outside, closing the door. I didn't want to wake Marley up.
"Hey." He said and gave me a kiss.
"Hi." I said.
"Couldn't sleep either?" I shook my head. He smiled and gave me a hug. Argh, this is so hard to keep in. I sighed, I guess he took notice of that. He let go of me and looked concerned.
"You ok?" I nodded my head and faintly smiled.
"Better than ever." Ryder of course didn't believe me. He raised his eyebrow at me and I let out a huge sigh. I couldn't keep it from him.
"Marley is quitting glee club after nationals." I whispered, looking down at my feet.
"What?!" Ryder almost yelled. I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth and shushed him. I led him away from the room and walked him down the hall.
"She put her songs in a bunch of contests and she didn't win any of them. She thinks it's a sign that she shouldn't pursue her dream-"
"That's insane!" Ryder interrupted.
"I know it is, but it doesn't seem like she's gonna change her mind..." I huffed out, frustrated with this whole situation. It was silent for a moment, until I got an idea.
"...But I know who can."

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