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Mr. Shue is going on a sabbatical to help the arts program, so he won't be back until after sectionals. Finn is taking over for Mr. Shue while he's gone. Everyone started yelling and saying he couldn't do it which is when I stood up and told him that I believed in him. He smiled at me and told the glee club that he knew he could do this.

M: I don't understand. This fit yesterday.
We were all trying on our outfits for the musical and for some reason, markets wouldn't fit. To be honest, my fingers all point to Kitty, she's a bitch and I know she'd do something like this to make Marley feel insecure.  Speaking of the devil, Kitty came over and over started to make fun of Marley's weight again. I swear I'm gonna punch this bitch one day if she doesn't shut the hell up! She then started talking about a sleepover she's having for all of the girls, including Unique. I'm not looking forward to it, but anything to make my friends happy.

We all came in with donuts, cake, and pizza. Marley looked super uncomfortable and she asked if there were any healthy snacks. Kitty dragged her into her bathroom to do God knows what, but I know it wasn't good. After that, Kitty came out and put on a wig. We all started to sing I'm Sandra Dee. Marley came out and I immediately regretted doing the number with them, cause it turned out just like I. The musical, sort of made things awkward for the rest of the sleepover.

It's the night of the musical! I'm super excited and happy to finally do it! Marley was a nervous wreck though. She kept running around freaking out about how her costume didn't fit and Kitty came up and lifted two fingers at Marley. Oh god damnit! She's making Marley puke her way to skinny! Once I realized this I ran to the bathroom where Marley was gagging. I shoved open the stall door and saw her shoving her fingers down her throat, making herself puke.
A: Marley stop!
M: *cries* I'm fat.
A: You must be blind, Marley, you are skinny and beautiful, don't listen to Kitty, she's just trying to get revenge on you for getting Sandy.
M: I haven't fit into my costume this entire week! I'm gaining weight, Arica.
A: Marley Rose, you did not gain a single pound!
M: *cries*
I grabbed Marley and pulled her into a hug, she just stayed there and sobbed for a minute. Once she was done, I fixed her makeup and we got back to the stage.

Later into the musical, we all went backstage to change. I went to find Marley, but saw her already talking to Ryder. The next thing I see is Ryder grab her cheek neck and pull her into a kiss, a long, soft kiss. I turned around to see a sad Jake. I walked over to him and out my hand on his shoulder as he just shook it off and walked away, he's trying to act tough, but he's devastated, I can't tell.

The musical went amazingly well! We all went into the choir room to hear our review, we apparently did amazing because we got an amazing review! Now it was all sectionals, I'm hoping Finn can pull off a win.

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