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Me and Finn walked by Marley's locker and saw Ryder and Jake fighting over her I'm guessing. Finn broke them apart as I checked to see if Marley was ok.

We all got into glee club and apparently it was superhero week. I knew my power would have to be telling people to fuck off with my eyebrow movement and my mind powers. I had no good name ideas though. Finn was completely unprepared for the day, he even broke the marker in the first two minutes of class.

Someone stole our nationals trophy! It was those stupid warblers! Blaine went back to Dalton to get it, but came back wanting to join the warblers again and go back to Dalton.

Dynamic duets. That was this weeks theme, I'm actually happy with that idea. Finn was now dressed up as the almighty treble clef, United of glee clubs.
F: Jake will pair up with Ryder and Marley will pair up with Kitty, so we can become a team again.

Great, more fights.

Superman was the first duet for the week, performed by Jake and Ryder. Their alter egos were Mega Stud. They were fine during the first half of the song, fighting over Marley like usual, but then actual fighting started and all hell broke loose.

After that was all settled, Marley and Kitty performed Holding Out For A Hero. Marley was Wall Flower or in Kitty's eyes, Woman Fierce. Kitty was Feminine Fatal, basically cat woman. Their performance went well and no fighting happened.

I walked into the auditorium and thought I was alone, but apparently not.
A: Hello?
Ryder: Oh, sorry, I was just studying.
A: In here? Why?
R: It's quiet and you know, I just like studying here. Why are you here?
A: I was going to practice some vocal warm ups, but I can just go into the choir room, so you can stay. *picks up stuff*
R: No, no it's fine. I needed a break anyway.
A: Ok.
R: Can I practice with you?
A: Oh um ya sure why not.
R: Cool, so what are we doing?
We did warm ups for about half and hour and then we took a break and talked. He was actually a really cool guy.

Jake's POV
After Ryder basically told me he had dyslexia, I told Finn and Ryder got tested. It was official, Ryder had dyslexia.
Ryder's POV
I don't know what to do. How? Why? Why do I have to have dyslexia? Finn helped me, but I needed someone else's support, so I went to someone I felt like I could trust, Arica.
A: Hey Ryder-
R: If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone else.
A: Ya of course, what is it?
R: I have dyslexia.
A: Oh my god, Ryder I'm...I'm sorry.
R: They're gonna start a special class for me, I'll work with a special teacher and all of that to help me with this.
A: Well that's good, you can get better.
R: I don't wanna get better, I want it to go. *tears up*
A: Ryder.......
R: I just...I don't know what to do.
A tear fell from my eye, but I quickly wiped it away.
A: Ryder, I'll help you in any way that I can. You're my friend, I don't want to see you sad.
R: Thanks. *smiles*
Arica's POV
A: So how are you Ryder?
M: He had to reschedule our date on Friday, because of a doctor appointment.
A: Oh, bummer. So you wanna just hang at my place, watch The Hunger Games and eat ice cream and popcorn?
M: As awesome as that sounds, I have plans.
A: With what?
M: *smiles*
A: Or....with who?
M: Ok, so I asked out Jake and we're going on a date Friday!
A: Oh.
M: Why aren't you excited?
A: It's just, don't you think that's a little unfair to Ryder?
M: Well, he rescheduled, I'm just making my weekend useful.
A: Ya.

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