Guitly Pleasures

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Mr. Shue is out with the flu this week, so Blaine and Sam are taking over glee club. They made this week, Guilty Pleasures. I had a lot of guilty pleasures like Jurassic Park, Andrew Garfield, and mouthing words at my mom to make her think she's going deaf, I know that last one is bad. I got into glee club and sat on the piano with Britt. I would look over at the chairs on the opposite side of the room and see Ryder staring at me. It made me fell weird, like a mixtures of angry and happy,why the fuck am I happy about it?!?! I mean I'll admit, the past few days of us being friend has been better than me just having complete hate over him and watching him cry which makes me cry. Blaine and Sam started off the week with a Wham song, Wake Me Up Before You Go. We all danced along and had a blast. I think this week is gonna be great.

Sam got up in front of everyone and looked super nervous, then he said it.
S: I love Barry Manilow. This is who I am and I make no apologies.
The music started and revealed it was Manilow's, Copacabana. Brittany got up and started to dance with Sam, along with Jake, and soon enough everyone joined in. I grabbed maracas and started to shake them as me and Marley danced like idiots. Marley was pulled away by Jake and Ryder was left with me. For the first time since our break up, nothing was really awkward, we just danced and sang together. Oh my gosh, Ryder's my guilty pleasure.

I saw Tina walking to the auditorium and I decided to follow her. As we got closer, I heard giggles and something about the spice girls. I walked in and saw what was going on. Kitty, Unique, Brittany, Marley, and Tina were doing a spice girls number.
A: Well, what do we have here?
M: *gasps* Arica, I forgot to ask you, damn.
A: A spice girls number, without me?
M: I'm really sorry, Arica, you can still join us if you want.
K: No way, there's no space, 5 spices, 6 girls, well *looks at Unique* sort of.
M: But..........
A: It's fine. I like the spice girls, but I was never really into them.
M: You sure, Air?
A: Of course.
T: Guys.........
Everyone: Ya?
T: You will not believe what happened. It's so horrible, I'm not sure if I even want to repeat it.
A: What is it?
T: Jake........he's planning to do a Chris Brown song.

We all dragged Jake into the choir room, me personally by his ears.
J: Owwww!!! Would you quit it!
A: No!
M: Let him go, Air.
A: Ugh, fine. *lets his ear go*
J: I don't understand what you're all so upset about.
M: That's why it's upsetting!
J: Look, I get that Chris Brown is a douchebag-
U: I don't think that douche is a strong enough word to describe Chris Brown.
A: He brutally beat up his girlfriend!
B: He beat up a window at Good Morning America!
M: He says horribly misogynistic things on Twitter!
K: What about the Frank Ocean fight in the parking lot?!
T: The dude is a psychopath!
J: I know and that's why I chose his song, okay. The assignment was guilty pleasures and I feel guilty about liking his music. That doesn't mean that I like him and it doesn't mean that I think he's a role model. We do Whitney Houston songs, Britney Spears songs, and none of them are role models.
B: You shut your mouth!
J: And what about Rihanna? Do we really think hat she's some kind of role model? I mean she is the one who got back together with Brown!
U: Oh, I know you did not just go there!
A: Are you kidding me?!
J: Look all I am saying is that we should be able to separate the art from the artist.
M: Well I don't think you should, and personally, I can't listen to his music without thinking about the horrible person behind it.
We all stormed out leaving Jake. How could he perform a song by a person who is so horrible?!

Blaine sang the next song in the auditorium. It was Phil Collins' Against All Odds. He got super emotional during the song and kept looking at Sam. Hold up, did he have a crush on Sam? He said that it was for Kurt but no one believed that horse shit.
Ryder's POV
During the entire song, I was glancing at Arica, who was sitting in front of me. The song really captured our relationship, even though it was short because I fucked it up.

You're the only one, who really knew me at all: I told her things about me that I've never told anyone, she even knew about my Star Wars sheets.

There's so much I need to say to you, so many reasons why: I never got to explain to her why I kissed Marley, she wouldn't let me. I can't help but think that maybe if she knew how I felt or if she saw how awkward it was in person, she'd forgive me.
Arica's POV
Double guilty pleasure time. First up, our very own Spice Girls. They sang Wannabe. Unique jumped out first as........Baby Spice? Weird but ok. Then Marley popped out as Posh Spice. Kitty came out as Ginger Spice, followed up by  Tina as Scary Spice. Last to pop up was Brittany as Sporty Spice. Ryder seemed to be super hyped, he even jumped up and did the piece sign thing. We all cheered super loud for them and then it was Jake's turn. We all started booing him and shouting things like down with the brown and team breezy equals team awful.
J: I'm still going to be doing a Brown song, just not Chris.
The music started. It was Bobby Brown's  My Prerogative. Immediately grabbed Marley's shoulder with my jaw wide open. She still looked super pissed. After the song ended, Artie spoke up revealing why we were angry.
Artie: You do realize that Bobby Brown allegedly got Whitney Houston hooked on crack, right?
Marley walked out pissed as I just shook my head no.

We all went to the auditorium for one last song. Mamma Mia by ABBA. We all embraced our guilty pleasures and had fun expressing them. Honestly, best week ever!

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