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We all gathered around Tina to see the funny video of Blaine twerking she got on recording. We all cracked up as Blaine sat in the corner embarrassed. Mr. Shue decided to make this entire week about twerking. I'm gonna admit, I'm not that good at twerking and I don't plan to fail miserably in front of everyone. Marley raised her hand all nervously.
M: What if some of us don't know how to Twerk?
Mr. S: Well, have no fear, your Twerk-torial is here.
We all got onto the stage in the auditorium and were put in a line. I was next to Ryder and Marley. Kitty was leading the group as she showed us the basic way to Twerk. I followed all the steps she told us to and tried to do it. I failed, of course. I looked over to Ryder who was sort of trying, but more of goofing off by jump-twerking. He looked over at me and grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. He tried to help me since I was failing miserably. Soon enough, we were in fits of laughter as he began to tickle me and I snorted from the laughing.
K: Arica and Ryder, you'll be twerking in the back.
I expected it, but Ryder faked a sad expression.
A: I thought you were good.
R: *smirks*
We continued to Twerk, but just ended up goofing off. God, I love this man.

I turned on the TV and the news popped up. I was about to change the channel, but Sue's Corner came on, why not watch it?
Sue: Not only will I outlaw twerking at McKinley High school.
A: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
My mom came in with a worried face.
M: What?!?!
A: Principle Sue's outlawing twerking at school!
M: What the hell is twerking?!
A: *groans and sighs*
Apparently everyone in glee club agreed had the same reaction as me. We were all arguing and shouting about how unfair this is. Mr. Shue came in all confused about the yelling.
J: Principle Sylvester is trying to take away our God-given right to Twerk, Mr. Shue and its bullcrap!
Mr. S: Principle Sylvester is drawing a line in he sand. She is deciding what's acceptable and what's not and that's just not gonna stand. Twerking is about blurring the lines between past and the present, between men and women, between tradition and envelope pushing! It's all in that Alan Thicke song that I love!
Artie: Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke.
Mr. S: Exactly!
Artie: That's not what that song's about.
Mr. S: Sue Sylvester wants to draw a line in the sand? Well we're gonna blur it and blow this debate wide open!
We all cheered and ran out of the choir room as we started to sing Blurred Lines. We went through the halls, dancing and singing. Eventually, people started to join us. We busted through doors and landed at a locker area. I slammed Ryder against a locker, turned around, and danced up on him. Marley and Jake were on the lockers next to us. Me and Marley switched sides, she was dancing around with Ryder as I danced around with Jake, friendly of course. We headed into a classroom and started to dance on the tables. More people joined us as we headed off to he auditorium and danced on the stage.
Jake's POV
Bree kept hitting on me the entire performance. She even tried to grind on me at the lockers, thank god Arica saved me. I'm really scared that Bree is going to tell Marley or that Marley will find out. I love Marley and I made a huge mistake with Bree. God, I'm such an idiot.
Arica's POV
Unique performed If I Were A Boy by Beyoncé. She started to cry as she sang it, I'm guessing the guys weren't very nice to her in the boy's bathroom. I've seen her sneak in the girl's bathroom during classes, I've even covered for her once or twice. The fact that these guys are doing this to her makes me want to tear them to shreds. During the song, Ryder looked at me and I looked back at him. He looked sad and pissed, I just grabbed his hand and gave him a small smile. As the song ended, Jake stood up.
J: We need names.
Ryder and Sam stood up after him.
R: Ya, some people need to get their ass kicked to learn not to mess with you.
Mr. S: Come on guys, you know that's not a solution.
S: No, enough is enough-
U: Mr. Shue's right. I love you guys and your support means everything to me, but it won't fix anything, in fact it'll probably make everything worse.
I put my hand on Ryder's and he sat down, crossing his arms. Jake and Sam sat down as well, but we could all tell that they were pissed.
Marley's POV
Bree came up to me with a video of my failed attempt to Twerk during our Blurred Lines performance. I just walked away, but she stopped me dead in my tracks.
B: I could teach you how to Twerk. I mean, how do you think your boyfriend got so good at it?
M: What?!
B: Oh, Jake didn't tell you? After your pathetic night of "don't touch me there, I mean it, Jake" he came crawling to me and we twerked all night long.
M: Jake's not like that.
B: Oh really. Do you know about that cute little mole on Jake's right hip and how when you kiss it it drives him absolutely crazy?
M: *silent and shocked*
B: I guess not. Well trust me, he loves it.
I stood there shocked, Jake wouldn't, he couldn't. Oh my god.

I ran over to Jake's locker and started to confront him.
J: Hey I was just about to come find y-
M: Pull down your pants.
J: *confused*
M: I want to see your right hip. I want to see if there's a mole. I want to see if she's telling the truth.
J: Who?
M: *tears up* Please tell me that there's no mole. Please tell me that she's just lying to screw with my head. Please tell me that you didn't really cheat one me, especially with  h-her.
Jake looked down and sighed. That confirmed it, he did cheat.
J: Marley....
M: Oh my god!
Jake grabbed my shoulders and tried to explain to me, but I pushed him away and ran off. I went to the auditorium and sang Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me.

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