Katy or Gaga

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So the past month has kind of been a living hell for me. I lost my best friend and I haven't been grieving the best, but being I this glee club is giving me strength.

I was on Ryder's lap playing the drums when Mr. Shue came in telling us our competition for nationals. The Rust-Belters from Pittsburgh, The Thunder Showcats from Gainesville, and Throat Explosion from Fort Wayne. Apparently they're really good because Tina and Blaine started freaking out about having Throat Explosion as our competition, they're like mini Lady Gagas. We all started to figure our if we were Lady Gagas or Katy Perry's and most of us were Katys.

Gaga's: Tina, Kitty, Unique, and Jake.

Katy's: Marley, Arica, Ryder, Blaine, Artie, and Sam.

Mr. Shue wrote on the board, Katy vs. Gaga. The Gagas had to perform a Katy song and the Katys had to perform a Gaga song.
Marley's POV
Jake is kind of being a little iffy, like he's pushing me to be sexy or something, I don't know.
A: So what exactly is going on?
M: I'm open to new things, but he's completely changing up our weekend dates and it's like he's secretly hinting me to do something.
A: It's just Puckerman hormones, he wants sex.
M: No, Jake isn't like that. He's waiting for me, so that I'm ready.
A: Alright Marls, just font do anything stupid.
Arica's POV
We got into the auditorium to brainstorm our ideas for our Gaga performance. Sam seemed to be worrying about making this while thing over the top for this crush he had on the school nurse, Penny. 
S: Since I obviously the edgiest out of all of you.
A: Well not really- 
S: All right we're gonna get scary and weird and controversial. We're taking in the audience, right I their faces and we're gonna drop kick the fourth wall. Ideas?
M: What if we had, like, sparklers but we're inside? That's crazy!
A: *shakes her head and looks down*
R: Or confetti only shaped like human sculls.
S: No!!!! No, no, no, no!!!!! Those ideas suck!!!!!!!
Ryder looked down and I rubbed his back.
A: *whispers* I thought it was a good idea.
R: *smiles*
We decided on Applause for our Gaga song and Sam went to recruit some "Little Monsters"
Marley's POV
M: I'm so excited for this weekend!
J: Me too, I was thinking we could add a little edge to it.
M: Ok, oh, I know! I can get us some John Mayer tickets, he's suppose to be amazing live.
J: Well, I'm sure he is, but.......
I was starting to get the hint, maybe Arica was right.
J: Ya, it'll be fun, can't wait. *kisses her cheek*
I'm so confused, what did he want from me? Suddenly the head Cheerio, Bree, walked up to us....or mainly to Jake.
B: The Cheerios are working on something big and could really use your silky smooth dance moves. You're the best dancer in this hell hole and I need you to help me choreograph a number.
J: Thanks, Bree, but I'm not interested.
M: Babe, no, you should do it.
J: Ok, sure, why not? I'm in.
B: Badass, *looks at Marley awkwardly* Ok thanks, bye. *walks away*
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about her.
Unique's POV
I called Marley after talking to Kitty about Bree.
U: I'm not saying that Jake's on the vege of cheating, but I'm not not saying it. Like my Aunt Felicia says, a tiger can't change its stripes, especially when that tiger's a man slut.
M: Jake's not like that.
U: *sighs and groans*
M: Not anymore!
U: I know you love him and he loves you, but that was pre-Bree. That girl is poison, she is a whack of crack, a penis fly trap. She will chew him up, #preach.
We talked to the studio and looked through the window, there was Jake and Bree, dancing super sexual. Marley looked at them, shocked.
M: Great, what am I suppose to do? I'm not like that, I'm not that kind of girl!
U: This is your week to fight back. You need to go full gaga and show them both that you can be hardcore too.
M: I'm not gonna get paranoid about Jake. Either he wants to be with the real me, or he can go! *walks away*
Arica's POV
I got into my costume for the number, which was a black, leather glove bra and underwear. I felt vulrerable,  but suprisingly ok with it. The number started and we sang Applause. Halfway during the performance, Marley came out in a Katy Perry costume from California Girls, which was not planned. Once the song ended, Sam started to yell at her.
S: What happened to the seashell bikini?
M:I wasn't comfortable.
S: Well get over yourself!
Artie: Well, I'm not exactly loving this giant white thing that keeps getting stuck in my wheels.
A: Ya, and the only reason I agreed to wear this over exposing thing was because I though that you were wearing one too.
R: It was the assignment.
M: Ok, I'm sorry, you guys, but u am who I am and I'm not going to change that for any number or any guy!
J: *looks up*
Mr. S: Marley, we're all trying to win a championship here, as a team, but you put your personal agenda above that. I'm sorry, but you're suspended for the rest of the week.

We all gathered back into the auditorium for the next performance by Tina, Jake, Kitty, and Unique. They sang Wide Awake. It wasn't a huge performance like ours, it was just them and their voices.
Marley's POV
Yep, Jake wanted sex. He invited me over to his house and we started making out on his bed and he kept touching my thighs and my boobs. I stopped him and we had an argument.
M: I just don't want to be pressured into doing something I don't want to do!
J: Who is pressuring you Marley?! I have been the most patient! I'd stop calling a girl and she'd let me in her pants after six hours.
M: Ugh! Then go be with one of those girls!
Jake's POV
You know what Marley, maybe I will. I went into school today and stopped by the Cheerio's dance studio. I saw Bree and started talking to her.
J: do you wanna go somewhere, private.
B: I like private parts. *smirks*
I felt ashamed, but I have needs and Marley wasn't giving them to Jake

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