Chapter Twenty-Four: The Flirt

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Greyson Chance Fan Fiction "It's Called Destiny"

Chapter Twenty-Four:"The Flirt"

Lately, you made the BIGGEST mistake you had ever done in your LIFE! ... That biggest mistake that can change your life and relations! That mistake that can be describe like rejecting Greyson to be your boyfriend!

You: Oh God! *cries*Why did I said NO?! Why did I rejected him?! This is the end! I'm so dead! I'm such an idiot! *cries*

As you started crying and blaming yourself on what happened, you can see Greyson from outside the corner of your eye, simply looking at you while you're crying. So you tried to look at him too, but Greyson evaded you and just walk away.

And that's it! Greyson is now ignoring you! Trying not to talk to you, nor to look at you! You know to yourself, Greyson has been there for you at all times! When you are feeling lonely, he's there. When You are feeling depressed, he's there. When you feel lost, he's there. He's always there in happy and dull moments! You know he is your closest friend, your best of friends! How come you rejected him?!

(The bell rings)

You: *enters the room*

Hailey: So how's your day freak?!

Natalie: I heard some gossips that you REJECTED one of the coolest guy in the campus, huh? Is that true?

You: Uhm .... I didn't rejected Greyson. I did what's the best for us.

Greyson: *simply looking at you*

Hailey: Best for you two?! Oh wow! Like those corny scenes I've watched on movies! And it's eew! *laughs*

Natalie: And how dare you rejected Greyson?! You have the guts, eh?!

You: But ....

Hailey: Hey everyone! *call the attention of all your classmates* This weirdo here just REJECTED Greyson Chance. And though it is unbelievable, it is still TRUE!

Classmates: *gossiping about you*

You: *wishing Greyson will save and defend you*

Natalie: *laughs* So, (YN)! Everyone is now aware on what you did! And I'm sure this gossip. I mean this FACT will be spread out all over the campus. Goodluck! *laughs*

Hailey: Toodles! *laughs*

You: *whisper* If I didn't rejected Greyson, maybe he will be there for me, defending from those girls. *sigh*

Tears are starting to pour down from your eyes. You can't help it! It is the first time that Greyson didn't do anything when you're in trouble! Since you transfered at Cheyenne University, Greyson was you savior! Since the first day of classes, and until then! But now, everything changed. You don't know if Greyson will talk to you again, or maybe not.

You: *sits beside Greyson*

Greyson: ...

You: Greyson, I know you're aware  on what happened lately. I just miss it when I'm in trouble and you're always there defending me ... *cries*

You: I'm really sorry ... *cries*

Greyson: ....

You: Are you not going to talk to me? I keep on talking but you're not responding, I feel like talking to a stone! *cries*

Greyson: *looks at you* Yeah, I know. I'm like a stone. Since you rejected me, I feel like a stone! ....

You: I didn't meant to say that, I'm really sorry. *cries* I just miss you, Greyson...

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