Chapter Twenty-Three: Would You Take The Chance?

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Greyson Chance Fan Fiction "It's Called Destiny"

Chapter Twenty-Three: "Would You Take The Chance?"

Yesterday was one of the greatest day that ever happened to you, like having piano tutorial with Greyson and the best part is when his and your legs just touched! That must have been heaven!

Since you first opened your eyes this morning, there's no other thing went inside your mind but Greyson, Greyson and Greyson! When you wake up, you got this strange, weird feeling like falling in love, maybe? Maybe with Greyson? But you know yourself t hat you already fell into him. But today, you feel something different!

(You arrived at school, and went inside your classroom)

Greyson: *pokes you* Hello, SWEETHEART! *gives you a big smile*

You: Hi, Greyson! *smiles* What's that big smile for?

Greyson: Oh, this smile? *smiles* This is nothing. I'm just so excited! *laughs*

You: Huh? Excited for what?

Greyson: Ah! I don't want to tell you! You'll know later, sweetheart! *giggles*

You: Oh! You're leaving me so excited!

Greyson: *giggles* Yeah, and that's a big surprise! Honestly, I don't know what to feel right now. Ifeel so excited but on the other side, I feel nervous ...

You: Nervous?! OMG! Greyson, what is that thing your hiding from me? You said we should not hide things from one another, right?

Greyson: Yeah, I know sweetheart! But it is still no hint! *giggles* Like what I told you, you'll know it later! *pinches your cheeks*

You: What????

Greyson: Please say goodluck to me! *giggles*

Greyson is acting so weird today! Though he always acts so weird, his weirdness this time is different. You can feel it, you can feel he's hiding something from you. Something he don't want to tell you and you got no idea about this things.

It is already your break time and things are not going so quite good. You're walking alone to your locker room and something's just going so weird, something's not fine! It is the very first time that Greyson is not messing up with you on your way to your locker room. THING'S ARE REALLY WEIRD! As you're heading off to your the locker room, two guys gave you lavander flowers, you tried to ask them where did it came from but they didn't respond.

When you open your locker, suddenly a white envelope surprised you. You grab the envelope and slowly opened it. And when you read the message inside the envelope .............................................................. YOUR HEAD IS LIKE CRACKING OFF! WHAT A BIG SURPRISED! WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?! It is written there that: (Click the link to see what's written inside the envelops)

WHAT'S GOING ON?! Greyson wants you to be his girlfriend! It's your chance to say YES now! But it's like you can't! Who will reject a handsome, nice, cute, charming guy like Greyson?! Opportunity and chance is coming to you now! You just got to say yes!

Greyson: So, that's my biggest surprise, sweetheart ... *blush*

You: *blush* B-but. Gr... Grey... Greyson, I'm not expecting this ..... *blush*

Greyson: Yeah, I know.... We've reached this far now and you know how I've been going crazy over you, sweetheart. You know I can do anything for you. And now, I don't want to miss this chance. I'm just waiting for your answer, sweetheart ...*blush*  Would you take the chance ? *hold your hands*

You: You know ... You know I also like you Greyson, and it's more than that. More than crush and more than a best friend.You know I love you .... And ...

Greyson: And I'm just waiting for your answer. What's your answer, sweetheart? I want to hear "YES or NO?" *grip your hands more tightly*

You: *blush* I-i .... You know ...

You are shaking, frozen and could hardly breathe! This is the most difficult question you have encountered in your entire life! The answer is just a YES or NO. But you just can't! You know you like, love Greyson. But there's something prohibitive in your mind that makes you want to say NO! But you love Greyson! Love can do anything!

Greyson: Would you take the chance, sweetheart? *blush* I'm waiting ......

You: I love you, Greyson .... And I just wanna say you're everything to me but I need to say no! *cries and walks aways*

You just can't believe you did that! You have REJECTED Greyson! You rejected the guy who has been there for you in all times! You rejected the guy you always wanted to be yours! You don't know if you made a mistake or it is just destiny who wants to play with your love life. You feel like the world is crashing! Would this be the end of your STORYLINE? Of your RELATIONSHIPS and LOVE LIFE? Would this be the end of you LOVE STORY?

- To Be Continued (:

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