Chapter Eight: If I Can Always Be With You

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Greyson Chance Fan Fic "It's Called Destiny"

Chapter Eight: "If I Can Always Be With You"

You're still in the car with Greyson and the driver who was the reason why you got your first kiss now. Nothing has changed, you got his kiss and he got yours. You can't still believe and recover on what happened lately. It was your very very very very very very very very very first kiss... and it comes from your best friend, ... Greyson! * several hours later*

Greyson: *sigh* I can't forgive myself on what happened. And I'm still so sorry for that, (YN). *looks down*

You: No!

Greyson: Yeah, I know you can't forgive me. I was being so childish!

You: What I mean is no! No need to say sorry, Greyson... It's not your fault anyway. *whisper* It's the driver!... *laughs* I know you didn't mean it. Or even intend it.

Greyson: Oh really?! *looks at you* *smile*

You: Of course! You think I'm lying?! *smile*

Greyson: You really are the best, (YN()! *pinch you on the cheek*

You: OH! Why are you pinching my cheeks?!

Greyson: 'Coz you're cute! *giggles*

Driver: Okay, Kids! We're here!...

You: *whisper* GEEZ! How can he call us kids?!

Driver: So how was your kiss?

Greyson: What the heck, eh?!

Driver: What I mean is how was your ride? *smile*

You: Great! And you know what, Mr. Driver? You're the reason why I have had my first kiss! ...

Driver: Oh really! You should thank me!

Both: Thank you for what?!

Driver: Who knows?! Maybe someday you'll really thank me for that 'coz that's the greatest thing that happend to you... on both of you! *smiles* Okay, goodbye for now! I know we will meet again! Enjoy!

The driver leave the two of you on the resort where Greyson's family was waiting .... You're so nervous!

Greyson: Geez, the driver is kinda weird!

You: Nah!

Greyson: What do you mean by no?! 'Coz you thank him that you got my kiss! *giggles*

You: Of course no! I mean he's not kinda weird... REALLY WEIRD!

Both: *laughs*

As you two were heading off to the room where Greyson's family was waiting and ... where you will sleep for night with, you know! As you're walking, the driver's word keep on flashing on your mind. "Someday you'll thank me for that." "Someday you'll thank me for that." "Someday you'll thank me for that." ...

Greyson: Hey, (YN)? Any problem?

You: No, it's nothing. The driver's word just keep flashing in my mind.

Greyson: Is that so?! Oh, don't take it seriously! *laughs* Let's go! Keep ahead!

You: *continue on walking*

Greyson: Oh! Here we are! *knock the door* Oh hi, mom! (YN), meet my mom... *smile* *looks at you like saying: Greet her! She's nice! She doesn't bite!*

You: Oh, hi there, mom! Oh, sorry! What I mean is Greyson's mom! *nervous*

Mom Lisa: Hi there! So you're (YN), huh? Greyson keeps on saying you're pretty, nice, and sweet! And I think you were! *smile*

Greyson: Oh, stop it, mom!... *shy*

Mom Lisa: *laughs* Aww, look at you... You're so cute, baby boy! *smile*

Greyson: UGH! Don't call me like that, mom. You're embarrassing me. *blush*

Mom Lisa: Okay! Okay! (YN), feel at home. Feel free to ask me anything. So ... wanna go swim? C'mon! Don't waste time. Put your swimsuits on!

Greyson: Okay, (YN)! I'll be waiting for you near the stairs so we can go to the beach together. *smile* I'm so excited to see you in, you know! Hurry! It's near sunset! It would be great if we can see it!

You: Sure! Wait for me there!

You got so nervous without any reasons. Or maybe you're afraid that Greyson will see you in your swimsuit! *after 5 minutes* You're now wearing your swimsuit and you're irritated so much! You went outside the room, went to the stairs and ... There's Greyson! His shirtless and only wearing shorts! You're expecting that you will got shocked but your not! Then he turned around ... he noticed you!

Greyson: *starring at you*

You: Hi, Greyson! I'm here!

Greyson: *speechless* *still starring at you*

You: Hey! Any dirt on my face? Why you're not talking?

Greyson: AHH! You're gorgeous! ... I'm not expecting you'll look that great!

You: *blush* Oh stop it! I know you're joking again! *you pulled his hands and you walk together*

Gosh! While you two are walking, you see him still starring at you ! YOu're like melting! When yu reached the sea shore ...

Greyson: Here we are! *sit on the sand* Hey, (YN)! Sit with me! Come here!

You: *sit beside him like only 5 inches away*

Greyson: "looking at the sea* Don't you think these is the perfect moment we can talk about,... something?

You: What something?

Greyson: You know, I really don't know why when I'm with you. I feel at home. *looks at you directly in the eye*

You: What do you mean?

Greyson: Like you know, you're a different kind of girl... There's something special with you.

You: Yeah ... I know! I feel the same! You know, when you kissed me I don't feel nervous. I don't know! I feel like that's not our first kiss ... *blush*

Greyson: Oh really? Are you happy about that?

You: About what?

Greyson: Like I'm the guy who got your first kiss ...

You: No! Oh- ahhh... Yeah! I'm truly grestful for that! I mean you got my first kiss. You're cool, handsome, and nice! You're also my best friend ... And I don't want that thing to change.

Greyson: Me too! *whisper* If I can always be with you ......

The sunset came ... It's perfect! You can't imagine how you two we're looking at it. You feel like you two were boyfriends and girlfriends ...

Greyson: Oh, we're going too emotional ... Wanna go swim?! *smile*

- To Be Continued (:

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