Chapter Twenty-Two: I Punk'd You

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Greyson Chance Fan Fiction "It's Called Destiny"

Chapter Twenty-Two: "I Punk'd You"

15 minutes had elapsed and finally you arrived at Alfred's house! You just can't take it any longer inside the car because they keep on teasing you with Greyson!

You: OMG! Good thing we finally arrived!

Greyson: We had a nice trip, baby! *giggles*

You: Oh! Please stop calling me BABY! (Though it's awkward Greyson calling you baby, you still love it!)

Alfred: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our house!

All: *laughs*

Alfred; Come in guys! *laughs*

(You and your friends went inside the house)

Scott: WOAH! Your house is .... HUGE AND SO COOL!

Alfred; No, it's just an ordinary house. So let's get the party started! *laughs*

Greyson: WOOHOO!

Since it is your first time to go inside Alfred's house, you're not familiar with lots of things. So you walk around the place and as you reached the living room, you saw a gorgeous piano! You always wanted to learn how to play it but it's difficult!

You: Wow! You got a piano, Alfred?

Alfred: Yeah, I don't know how to play it. My Mom owns that. And anyway, I guess someone is a PIANIST here?! *laughs*

All: *looking at Greyson*

Greyson: Hey! Why are you all looking at me?! *laughs*

You: Can you play it, please?! *puppy-eyes*

Greyson: Oh! I can't stand that look, sweetheart! Okay, sure!

Rachelle: Anything for your sweetheart! *laughs*

Greyson: *playing the piano*

It's the first time you saw Greyson playing the piano and you just cn't believe it! He's playing it like a WORLD CLASS PERFORMER! The best pianist you ever seen before! How he play the music with the piano is like heaven! It is so calm, nice and so sweet!

You: OMG! You're so good, Greyson! I feel like falling in love with your music and ... with you!

Greyson: OMG! *blush*

You: *in your mind* OMG! How come I said that to him!

Greyson: That was UNEXPECTED! *blush* But I like it though! *laughs*

You: I always wanted to learn how to play the piano but I think I just can't. It's hard! And I think I will never learn though somebody try to teach me!

Greyson: Who said to you it's hard?! And did I heard my sweetheart saying "NO"?! I know there's no such thing as IMPOSSIBLE! And I never wanted to see my sweetheart GIVING UP! What did I told you when we're on the ladies room? Do you still remember it? (Way back on Chapter3)

You: I think you said "I will never ever let you down"?

Greyson: Perfect! And what more?

You: You also said that you're always here for me. *looks down*

Greyson: Good thing you still remember it! *smiles* I will never break that promise! And I want you to be happy, sweetheart! *Holds your chin and looks at you dircetly in the eye* I will teach you how to play the piano! *smiles*

You: Wow! Oh really?! *blush*

Greyson: Yeah! I'll do anything for my loving sweetheart! *giggles*

You: *blush* OMG! Thank you Greyson! *smiles*

Greyson: So let's start! I'll be your professor for now! *giggles*

You feel so happy abd thankful for having such a nice, good and loyal friend like Greyson! Words can't express how you want to thank him! It's magical!

Greyson: Come one sweetheart! Sit beside me! *smiles*

You: *blush* OMG! *sits beside him*

Greyson: Come a little closer! I'm not gonna bite you! *laughs*

You: OMG! *blush* *came closer*

Greyson: There you go! *smiles* Let's start with the major chords, first is ...... And this and there and this .....

You: *staring at Greyson's eyes*

You just can't focus! You know your world is like stopping whenever you are with Greyson! ESPECIALLY when you are with him, sitting ang having a piano tutorial!

Greyson: So that's the Major C. Give it a try! *smiles*

You: Wa-what is the Major C again? *blush*

Greyson: Would you mind sitting with me closer? 'Cause I think you can't see it and understand it clearly ...

You: No! I can see it from here!

Greyson: Just come a little bit closer, sweetheatr! *smiles*

You: No, I said I can see it from here... *blush*

Greyson: *abruptly pull you close to him*

You: *in your mind* OMG! Our legs just touched! *blush*

It's the most FRANTIC moment of your life! Your legs just touched! You feel like an electric wave just hits your body! You feel like dying! Dying with a syndrome what you called RCS or "Roller-Coster Syndrome". Studies show that it mainly attacks girls between the ages of eight and sixteen.

The symptoms are difficult to describe, but whenever you are with Greyson, your stomach feels like you're dropping three hundred meters at eighty miles per hour! And feel like throwing your hands in the air and SCREAM! That's what you feel right now!

You: OMG! Why did you do that?! *blush*

Greyson: 'Cause if I didn't, you're not gonna come closer, right?! *smiles*

You: *blush* So just continue what we are doing ... *blush*

Greyson: So here it goes, ... blah blah blah blah blah ...

And again, you can't focus on every word Greyson saying to you! You're out of your mind! It's like floating on air! Then after 15 minutes of discussing, your piano lesson is now finish!

Greyson: So you learn anything from me, sweetheart?! *giggles*

You: Yeah, I learn how to blush! What I mean is I learned a lot! *smiles*

Greyson: Good thing I helped my sweetheart! *smiles*

You: Yeah, and I thanked you a lot for that! *giggles*

Alfred: Is the romance thingy is now over? Oh, I mean is the piano lesson?! *laughs*

Greyson: *giggles* Yeah! So let's PARTY ROCK NOW! *laughs*


All: *laughs*

Greyson: Anyway, I'm gonna tell something important to you, sweetheart! *smiles*

You: Okay, what is it? *smiles*

Greyson: Can you please come closer? I'm just gonna wshisper it so no one will hear it.

You: okay,.? *move closer to him like only an inch apart* So what is it?

Greyson: It is about ... *abruptly KISSED YOU IN THE LIPS* *blush* I punk'd you sweetheart!

-To Be Continued(:

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