Chapter Sixteen: You're A Good Kisser

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Greyson Chance Fan Fiction "It's Called Destiny"

Chapter Sixteen: "You're A Good Kisser"

You feel like shaking! Your whole body is shaking! Not only shaking but you're sweating because you're so nervous! Greyson's lips is getting closer, closer, closer until it's only less than an inch away! You can see his hazelnut eye staring at you and your eyes staring right into him!

Greyson: *blush* I-I need to kiss you, princess! *nervous*

You're now frozen! You can't think! You're block-out! You don't even know if he will really kiss you intentionally, in front of your classmate, in front of your teacher! But you think to yourself, "No, he won't kiss me, he won't!"

Greyson: *his lips is really close enough* *blush*

You: *in your mind* OMG! Don't do it! Don't do it! *close your eyes*

Classmates: OMG! Yieeeeeeee!

Greyson make up his mind! He will really kiss you! Then suddenly, Ms. Davis enter the scene!

Ms. Davis: Okay, everyone ...

Scott: oh, I need to do this!

While Ms. Davis was talking, you and Greyson are still frozen! His lips is still close to yours! Then Scott stepped into the stage! And PUSHED GREYSON! Pushed Greyson into you! So you two kissed! A REAL KISSED! A real kiss in front of your classmates and teacher! A breath-taking kiss!

You: *blush* *in your mind* OMG!

Greyson: *directly looking at you while you're still kissing*

It was your third time around to kiss Greyson! Your kiss was like 8 seconds long! You saw your classmates, all staring at the two of you! They're also shocked on what happened! You can't take it anymore so you stand up!

You: OMG! *blush* *touch your lips*

Ms. Davis: Everyone! Pretend it was all part of the acting! So, *smile* Bravo! *claps*

Greyson: *looks at you* Hey, sweetheart! *blush*

Ms. Davis: You did a great job (YN) and Greyson!

Greyson: So did we passed? *smile*

Ms. Davis: Honestly you and (YN) has a good chemistry! You really look so cute together! But sadly, you didn't passed ...

Scott: What?! They didn't passed?! They really act so good then they didn't passed?!

Ms. Davis: You're right! But what about the scene when Snow White left her shoe? They supposed to act like Snow White not Cinderella!

You: *laughs* Oh sorry! *smile*

Ms. Davis: So next time if we will have a Cinderella play, you know it's you (YN)! *smile* Everyone go back to your room!

As you and your classmate were walking to your room, you can't help but to smile everytime! Thinking about what happened lately! It was like a real fairytale! You and Greyson ... You're a princess and his your prince ... Living in a euthopia and having happy ending ...

You: *smile*

Greyson: *pokes you* Hey! *smile*

You: Hey!!!

Greyson: Why are you smiling sweetheart?! Maybe you keep on thinking about what happened lately, eh?! *giggles*

You: No I'm not! Why Scott did that anyway?!

Scott: Hey, I heard that!

Greyson: *laughs*

Scott: You owe me, Greyson! *laughs* You should thank me for that!

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