Chapter Two: All About Algebra

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Greyson Chance Fan Fic :It's Called Destiny"

Chapter 2: "All About Algebra"

After the breaktime, the next teacher to enter the room is Ms. Davis, your 8th grade Math teacher.

Teacher: Everyone, go seek a partner for your today activity. And special mention to (YN). Since you're new here and I think you don't know how to settle things down,I'd like you and Mr. Chance to be in pair.

While your other classmates are seeking for a partner, you're wondering who is that "Mr. Chance". You got so nervous! When Ms. Davis said "Be with your partner", a guy came over you and sit beside you.

You: So your name is Chance ...

Chance: You can call me Greyson, Greyson Chance. It was so great to be paired with you!

You: *blush* Aw really? Why is it so?

Greyson: Coz you're heavenly awesome!

Teacher: Everyone, stop talking. Now since all of you are in pairs I want you to share your knowledge that you've learned from 7th grade. Work quietly. I want to hear any noise.

You're so nervous because you have this feeling you never felt nor experienced before. Greyson talked to you.

You: Im so sorry ,Greyson. I'not got in Algebra.

Greyson: *smile* It's okay. I'm an expert! *laughs* I can teach you! Listen to me carefully, okay?

You: S-sure!

Greyson: We need to work quietly, so come over here, closer.

You didn't make any move so Greyson did it. He got closer to you like there are no spaces between his legs and your legs. You got speechless!

Greyson: Don't be so nervous. It's okay, I'll just teach ou so listen carefully. *smile*

You: ...

You don't even say a word. As he whispher in you ear, you can feel his every breathe. His red red lips are too close in your face, close enough. You can see his rosy cheeks near you cheeks. His red lips near you face. His brown eyes starring at your eyes. You can see how he does the lip bite like for every minute.

He continue on talking but you didn't understand all the things he said. You're too nervous and it's like there's an electric shock that hits your body.

Greyson: Do you understand the things I said, (YN)?

You: .... *Still starring at his red lips*

Grey: (YN)? ...

You: Oh, aw yes! *You got your voice loud enough because your mind is floating on air. Loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room*

Everyone's starring at bot of you. An their faces are like shocked when they saw your face near Greyson's face like you both are doing something!

You got embarassed so you run out off of the room and Greyson followed you.

-to be continued (:

(Here's the scene I really like. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Wait for the chapter3 ! More excitements to come!)

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