Chapter 12 | Dating

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Jungkook's POV

Today, Liu and I are going out on another date. Today's our 4th date actually and I plan to take her to a park where in a new temporary shop just opened.

A shop where you can have fun, painting. We held each other's hands as we made our way there as I smile to myself.

When we finally reached the park, I immediately went to look for the new shop but apparently, Liu found it first. She tugged on my shirt while pointing to where the shop was as we made our way there.

We found ourselves a seat then sat comfortably. There were blank portraits, paintbrushes, paints, aprons, even some gloves ready to use in each table.

Liu put on her apron and gloves while I just watched her, not putting on anything to myself at all, "Where's the fun if you ain't gonna get messy?" I thought to myself then suddenly thought of an idea which made me slightly smirk to myself.

Liu finally picked out a brush with some different colored paint then finally started while I picked different color of paint from what she picked and dipped my fingers in there.

I started painting along with her and after we were done, Liu placed everything she used aside then started to wipe herself up. She thoroughly cleaned herself up while I, on the other hand, made a mustache with the leftover paint on my finger.

Liu then started taking pictures of me while laughing hysterically and after she was done, I finally leaned in closer to her, smiling.

"get ready" I thought to myself, then finally pinched her right cheek while telling her how cute she was. She smiled at me as I smile back to her.

She then continued fixing and cleaning everything up while I on the other hand was already on the other side trying to hold in my laughter until she noticed,

"Why? What's wrong? What's so funny?" She asked, completely confused.

"Is there... something on my face?" She asked.

"Yeah" I point at her right cheek as she started to try to wipe it.

"The left side as well." I added.

She then tried to wipe her left cheek as well which caused both of her cheeks to have paint stains on. I took one last look at her before I couldn't hold it in any much longer as I finally bursted out laughing.

She looked at me once again, this time, annoyed as she grabs her small compact mirror from her purse then she finally noticed the mess on her face then rolled her eyes at me.

"It's not funny you know." She said as she starts to clean it off.

I suddenly stopped laughing with my smile quickly disappearing on my face as well. I didn't expect her to take it so seriously, I actually expect her to laugh along then play with me like how Chip and I used to be like from before...

I really thought she was similar to her which somewhat made me disappointed. I then turn to grab my handkerchief and started to clean her cheeks myself as she just looks back at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry..." I started, "I forgot you were too... girly." I mumbled out the last part.

"It's ok... I just... Why did you have to mess with my face as well? You were a mess already when doing our paint like look at your face." She told me as I just looked down, whispering "sorry..."

"It's alright. Just..... don't do it again."


I decided to take Liu to the court this time so that she can watch me play basketball. It's already evening and here I am, still asking her to play with me, telling her that she might actually like and enjoy it, but she just kept declining me.

She just kept on taking pictures... everywhere and i'm going to be honest here, I don't really like taking pictures and such, but like if we're going to take a picture because I wanted to remember that day and have a memory of it, that's totally fine to me but taking this many?.... She's been taking pictures ever since we got here.

It was kind of getting dark already and I really wanted her to atleast try basketball even for once before we leave... so I finally took her phone, put it inside my pocket, placed both of her hands on the ball as I went behind her. She looked up at me, confused as I just smile back at her,

"Try it? please..." I pleaded.

"Jungkook-ah..." She sighed then gave me back the ball, "You know sports is not my thing right? I'll just cheer for you instead!" She exclaimed as she grins widely.

I forced on a smile just for her which she apparently found cute.

"Ohmygod, stay in that position and keep that smile on please!" She then went to grab her phone back from my pocket then started taking pictures of me... When I finally thought that she was done, I finally start to make my way towards the chairs once more until,

"Let's take a picture!"

"Again? Liu we have loads of pictures already! That's enough!"

"Oh come on, just one more!!" I sighed to myself then faked a smile

"actually... i'm tired. Let's just go home." I told her.

"Ok!" She answered, smiling.

I then took my backpack from the chairs then finally sent her back home. It was quiet on our way back home and Liu was just on her phone.

"Oh and Liu... don't forget that we're going to the beach tomorrow." I reminded her when we finally arrived at her place.

"Oh, dont worry! Taehyung kept reminding me about it like everyday!"

"Alright then, good." I smiled at her then finally waved goodbye as I left.

We actually planned this before already. Me, Taehyung, Namjoon, Chip with her friends... and we just dragged Liu along with us since she is Chip's cousin and Taehyung's bestfriend.

Speaking of Chip, I noticed that we actually became distant to each other. "I wonder how she's been..."

I then suddenly frowned to myself as I realized that it's all because I spent most of my times with Liu now a days.

"I'm going to make it up to her tomorrow." I exclaimed as I sighed to myself.

"I'm a bad best friend.. no, scratch that- horrible best friend."

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