Chapter 12

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"Ok, everyone! Stack the stone people in a throne shape over here!" Bill exclaimed to the eye bats. They began to place all the humanoid figures into the respective places. I felt a tear when I watched Aunt Susan get out in place. I wiped my eyes but it wouldn't go away.
I felt Bill wrap an arm around me. I didn't look up.
"Hey, What's wrong?" Bill asked me. He hovered at about my height.
"Nothing." I turned to face away from him.
"Come on, Y/N. Tell me." My gaze didn't leave the floor. "Please."
"Being here. It's reminding me of all the things I had before you... Dipper... Mabel... Stanley... Aunt Susan..." A tear fell from my eye. Bill pulled me into a hug. I began to cry.
"I love you." Bill whispered in my ear. I was sobbing too hard to respond.
Eventually, I stopped. I wiped my eyes and began to walk to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"On a walk to clear my head." Bill looked disappointed. I flew out the door and landed on the ground.
I began to walk into the forest, in a direction that wasn't in the mystery shack but as soon as I was completely concealed by the woods, I began to fly towards the old building.
I emerged from the trees and was immediately shot down.
"Oh my god!" A voice exclaimed. I clutched my stomach and fell to the ground. It was Dipper.
"Dipper..." Dipper put his ear on my chest to head my heartbeat. "I love you..." I said. Eventually, black consumed my vision.

Dipper's POV

"Oh god, oh god." I rambled. "Stan! Wendy! Get out here!" The two ran over to me.
"Oh no! Y/N!" Wendy exclaimed.
"Y-Y-Y/N." Stan let a tear go. I picked her up, bridal style.
"I know only two people who can save her." I looked somberly at the ground.
"Who?!" Both Wendy and Stan exclaimed at the same time.
"Ford and Bill." The two exchanged unreadable glances.
I took a breath and began to run towards the direction of the fear-a-mid.
"Dipper! No!" Wendy exclaimed. I didn't stop. I kept running, running as far as I could.

Time Skip.

The fear-a-mid came upon me.
"Bill!" I shouted. The multi-dimensional triangle came out of the fear-a-mid.
"Pine Tree! What did you do to my Y/N!?" Bill dropped closer to me and took Y/N in his arms.
I dropped to my knees and began to cry for my fallen friend.
Bill noticed, I think. He chose to ignore it. I stood and somberly walked into the forest.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You'll be ok, I promise." I heard Bill whisper to the unconscious queen.

Bill's POV

The only thoughts that I could think were about Y/N. She couldn't die. She was too perfect to die. I had to keep her alive. She was shot in the stomach. It should be ok, because demon's rarely ever use their human stomach. I cried onto her stomach and the bones and muscle tissue began to repair the hole in the poor girl's abdomen.
When it was done, she opened her eyes.
"What... where am I?" She asked, weakly. She looked up at me. "Bill?" I nodded and pulled her into the best hug I could while I still held her in my arms. A tear fell from her eye and I wiped it away.
"Shh... It's gonna be ok. I promise." She went unconscious again and I flew up to our room. I laid her gently on the bed. "I love you." I whispered. I tried to push her out of my mind; I had an apocalypse to procure.
"Ah! The throne is finished! Good work, eyebats!" I sat down on the throne and all I could think was 'I wish Y/N was here to share this moment with me.' I shook my head.
A knock filled the large room.
"Open up! Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron!" My eye went wide.
"Ok, guys. Play it cool, ditch the time punch, let me do the talking."
"Bill Cipher." Lolph began. I rolled my eye. "You are in violation of the rules of space-time, and possessing the body of a time officer."
"My body is a temple! How dare you?!" Blindan is such a baby.
"Hear this Cipher!" Time Baby boomed.
"Ugh, Time Baby." I groaned, involuntarily.
"If your rip in this dimension continues, it could destroy the very fabric of existence! Surrender now, or face my tantrum!" I coughed.
"Oh, no, a tantrum! Whatever will a do about that HOW 'BOUT THIS??" I pointed my finger at the army and they disappeared. I blew the smoke off my finger.
"Aw snap! He just killed Time Baby!" Kryptos exclaimed. After a pause, everyone cheered and went back to partying.
"That's right guys, continue partying. Once we're done, I'll unveil phase two." I steepled my fingers. I made sure I looked badass but on the inside, I was sad, really sad. All I really wanted in that moment was for Y/N to be ok.

Dipper's POV

"This is it, guys. Mabel's bubble. Remember guys, it's a prison of Bill's design so we need to prepare ourselves for what we find in here." Wendy and Soos nodded. They both had a determined look on their faces, so I put on one too. I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this.
"Oh my god! It's all a bouncy house!" Wendy exclaimed. "The ground is a bouncy house!" We surveyed the large land that was only made of rubber.
"Wow..." I breathed.

Bill's POV

"This is it." I thought to myself. "This is the beginning of the end." I turned to my henchmaniacs. "Ok, everything. It's been fun turning Gravity Falls inside out, rounding up all its terrified citizens and then stacking them into this massive throne of frozen human agony." I gazed upon the mass of eager monsters before me. "But Gravity Falls is just the beginning. It's time to take our chaos worldwide! Alright boys, to the corners of the Earth. Set the world aflame with your weirdness. This dimension is ours!" The monsters flew out of the fear-a-mid. "Ah, global domination. I could get used to -." Suddenly, all of my demons fell from the sky. "WHAT?!?!?!" I screamed. I flew out to the edge of Gravity Falls. I tapped the air and a ripple formed in an invisible forcefield. "Hmm, this might be more complicated than I thought." I mused.
"Ughh... I think I broke something..." Paci-Fire moaned.
"Walk it off!" I screamed at him.

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