Chapter 7

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"It's relatively simple." He turned away. "If those idiot twins can figure it out, you can." He mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?" He put on a fake smile.
"Nothing!" He rubbed the back of his neck. "We are in the nightmare realm. And since you're a dream demon now, you can make anything appear by just thinking about it. Watch." Bill looked behind me. I turned and saw a demonic puppy. It's eyes were completely red with brown fur and black paws and ears. After looking at it for a second, it was gone. "Pretty cool, right? Now you try."
I closed my eyes and thought about the first thing that came to my mind. For some reason, it was Bart Simpson.
I looked up to see a small yellow boy with blue shorts and a red T-shirt.
"Eat my shorts!" And just like that, he was gone.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. Bill wrapped his arms around me.
"Pretty impressive, princess." He looked at a watch that appeared out of nowhere. "Pyronica will be here in 10 minutes. She's gonna take you shopping, because I do not like shopping." Bill rolled his eyes. I chuckled.
Bill stood and walked out of the room. He popped his head back in.
"If you need me, I'll be in the meeting room." I nodded and blew him a kiss. He smirked and walked out the door.
I got up and put my ear to the door. I listened until I couldn't hear footsteps anymore.
I slid down until I sat on the floor with my back against the door.
Who am I kidding? I do love him. I care about him. I'm an idiot to think that he would have genuine feelings for me back. He probably just wants me to do something for him, then I'll be zapped into nothingness.
He'll be happy with Pyronica.

Warning: Mentions of cutting begin here. I will let you know when they are over. You aren't missing anything important.

I closed my eyes and imagined a knife. It appeared in my hand. The silver blade glistened in the light streaming in through the windows. The red handle pinched my finger. I pulled up my sleeve.
I took a deep breath and did exactly what I'd been doing for 18 years when people bullied me. I slid the knife across my arm multiple times. My tears mixed with the blood pouring from my arm.
My arm became too weak to hold up the knife anymore. I dropped it, making a small clattering noise. I wiped my eyes and stood. I grabbed the knife and headed to the bathroom. I washed off my arm and washed the knife, making it disappear into thin air.
Once my arm stopped bleeding, I washed it off and pulled my sleeve back down.

Warning Over: Ok, you can continue reading now.

A tear fell onto my sleeve.
"Y/N? Are you ready for our shopping date?" Pyronica asked, standing at the door.
"Almost." I croaked. "Just gotta put on my shoes."
I stepped out of the room and smiled up at the tall beautiful woman.
"Are you ready?" I nodded, shyly. She took my hand and flew out of the fear-a-mid. I screamed as we got higher and higher in the sky.
I looked up to see Pyronica holding the hand of the arm that I cut. I watched in horror as my sleeve feel to my elbow. I frantically pulled it back to my wrist.
"Are you ok?" She asked, as she watched me hold my sleeve up. I nodded, frantically. She shrugged and continued flying towards our destination.

Time skip

"Hey, baby." Bill traced his finger along my body. I shivered at his touch. He lay with me in our bed, after getting back from shopping with Pyronica. He placed his lips on my cheek, slowly making his way down.
He placed his hands on the edge of my shirt and pulled up on it. I stopped him.
"I... uh... Bill..." He put a finger to my lips.
"Shh. It's ok."
Who was I kidding to try and resist the charms of a master dream demon?

Warning: Lemon. Drill. You know it.

I sighed and nodded. I placed my lips gently upon his. He attempted to pull off my shirt again, but I made sure that it stayed on. He seemed to give up and moved on to my shorts. He slipped them off quickly and proficiently, almost like he'd done it a million times before.
I helped him lift off his shirt over his head, and pull off his pants. I pulled my shirt down over my thighs.
"No, don't be ashamed." He put a warm hand on my thigh. My heart skipped a beat as he moved his hand up my shirt towards my breasts. I gasped softly as he fiercely grabbed my side. He slammed his lips against mine. He maneuvered me onto my back with him on top. He reached underneath me and unclipped my bra.
"Bill..." I softly moaned. I felt his lips curve into a smirk against mine. He attempted to pull my shirt off again but I stood my ground. He momentarily pulled away from our kiss to stare into my eyes, wondering why I wouldn't let him take off my shirt, but soon ignored the feeling and softly bit my lip. I moaned at the feeling that shot through my body at the touch. I felt his hands make their way down to my butt as I wrapped my arms around his strong and muscular figure.

Warning Over: Lemon will come back I promise but something big is about to happen. The only thing you missed if you didn't read the lemon was they didn't actually do it, yet. They are naked right now, except for Y/N's underwear and Bill's. They were interrupted. Case in point: the next paragraph.

I heard a knock at the doorway. Bill groaned and got up to answer it.
"What. Do you want. Can't you see it's the middle of the night? This better be god damn important." Bill growled at the black, empty doorway.
Suddenly, a woman's voice floated into the room.
"Aww, come on, my King. Is that anyway to treat me?" I stayed as still as I possibly could in the bed, gripping the sheets in my fists.

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