Chapter 10

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Warning: Eyyyy the lemon is back! Told you. Welp, you guys know the drill.

I shivered as Bills hand made its way up my thigh, towards my shorts.
Bill slipped off my shirt over my head, slightly messing with my hair. He pulled off my shorts with a quick tug, leaving me in nothing but my bra and my underwear. He took a step back to admire me.
I attempted to cover my body in extremely self consciousness.
"No, no no." Bill held my arms and legs out of the way. "Beautiful." Bill had on an unreadable expression. I tugged on his shirt and he pulled it off. I did the same with his shorts but they fell around his ankles at my movement. He laid himself back on top of me.
"God, I love you." I smiled in our kiss.
"I love you too." I put my hand on the back of his head, slightly gripping his hand.
Bill's hand made its way to my underwear. It tugged at it, making it slide down my thighs. Bill placed his hand on my spot and I gasped. He smiled and I put my hand on his back.
Bill began to rub me on my spot. The feeling was amazing. His other hand found work taking off my bra and massaging my breasts. My breathing slowly sped. The pleasure covered me.
"Bill..." I breathed. He stopped, and I whimpered in wanting. He smiled as he pulled down his pants to expose his fully erect manhood. He got closer to me and I flinched.
"Are you ok?" I quickly nodded. "Tell me. I love you."
"I love you too... I've just never had sex before..." Bill smirked a devilish smirk. "How?" He slid inside of me and a tear fell down my cheek. Bill wiped it away. The pain soon gave way to mass amounts of pleasure as Bill moved slowly at first and then began to quicken his pace.
The pleasure spread throughout my whole body, making my feet go slightly numb.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. Bill chuckled. He pulled out and laid next to me.

Warning over: Mkay. 'Tis done. Basically, all you missed was they did the deed and now they're laying next to each other on the bed.

Bill gently placed a few kisses on my cheeks.
"God, you are beautiful." Bill ran his hand along my jawline. "So beautiful." I smiled, weakly as the promise of sleep enveloped me.

Time skip

"This is it." Bill stared at papers on his desk.
"What happened?" I asked, as I sidled up closer to his chair.
"This is it. Weirdmageddon is upon us." He breathed. I smiled and planted a kiss on his lips.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too. And while I have you here, I wanted to ask you something." I raised an eyebrow. "Will you be my queen and rule over the entire universe with me?" His smirk made my heart flutter.
"Of course I will." I had been working on my powerful smirk.
"Damn. You're getting good at that." I chuckled.
He stood and snaked his small triangle form arm around my waist. He teleported us to the main room.
"Is everyone ready?!" He asked the room full of screaming monsters. They screeched in agreement.
"Ok, Y/N. Im gonna leave you with Teeth. He will tell you when. You'll understand that when it's time." I nodded and walked over to Teeth.
"Ok, everyone! It's time." Bill growled. He put his hands above his head and a rift opened above him. His yellow body floated up through it.
I could hear his voice.
"Now meet the gang of inter-dimensional criminals and nightmares that I call my friends!" Bill exclaimed. Teeth tapped my shoulder.
"Ok, so just follow us when he calls your name. You'll most likely be last." I nodded.
Bill began to call all of our names.
"8 ball! Teeth! Pyronica." His voice didn't seem to have the same tone when he called Pyronica's name. Eventually, there was just Zanthar left. When Bill called his name, he flew up through the rift.
"And finally, the grand finale of friends!" Bill exclaimed. I readied myself. "Y/N!" I flew up through the rift and flipped my F/C hair on my way to Bill. I had dyed it earlier that day. My floor length dress fluttered around my legs and the top of the dress squeezed my chest. The dress hugged my hips and was sleeveless. The slit in my dress went all the way from the top of my thigh to the floor. I looked like Angelica Rabbit.
I laughed as I saw the confused look on my Aunt's face.
"Hi Auntie!" I blew Susan a kiss and she collapsed. I floated by Bill and he snaked his arm around my waist.
"You look so hot right now." He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip.
"Gravity Falls! My name's Bill, but you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!" Bill put his hand to his body in thought. "You know, I think I need a castle of some kind!" Bill thrust his hands into the air and the fear-a-mid appeared a few miles away out of the ground. All the henchmen clapped.
"Bill Cipher was it?" We all heard a voice on the ground say. I turned with a look of pure disgust in my face. I saw Pacifica's Dad.
"Mr. Northwest!" I exclaimed. I floated down to him. "What can I help you with?" My face dripped within sarcasm.
"I was just thinking, as a rich capitalist, I welcome your tyrannical reign of horror. I could be a part of your henchmen if the apocalypse?" Pacifica's mouth dropped open.
"Daddy!" She exclaimed.
"Not now, Pacifica. The grown-ups are talking."
"Aww, don't worry Pacifica. The apocalypse is fun! Lots of death." I turned my attention back to her dad. "You know I'm your daughter's age, right? Never mind. That's an interesting offer, Mr. Northwest. Hmm... how about I shuffle the uses of all the holes in your face?" I waited a second for his confused reaction. Then I snapped my fingers and his face was completely shuffled. I laughed all the way back to Bill.
"Damn." Bill breathed. I rolled my eyes playfully.
The bell tower rang out.
A weird sound was heard come from the bell tower. I looked to Bill and he had a hole in his black top hat. My mouth fell open as he filled the hole with his bones and muscle. The hole repaired itself.
"Let's see. Who. Shot. That." Bill's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

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