Chapter 5

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"Dipper, I'm scared! What does Bill want with her?" I sighed.
"I don't know, Mabel. We can only hope Ford can tell where Y/N is." I watched Ford put the dust into a processor.
"Dipper! Mabel! Go get Fiddleford!" We nodded and ran into the events hall.
"Fiddleford!" I called.
"Ford needs your help!" He nodded and followed us outside.
"Fiddleford! I'm so glad you're here! I need you to test the rock with the processor." He nodded and began picking a select piece of rock.
I fret to think what could happen to Y/N if Bill were to get angry.


"Y/N!!" Bill exclaimed. I walked through the castle, following the sound of Bill's voice. My entire body shivered. The fear-a-mid was massive, with amazing air conditioning.
"Y/N!!!" He called again. I moved quicker. His voice seemed to have a note of anger in it. I must have wandered those halls for 10 minutes before I turned around to see Bill in his human form staring at me. I tried screaming but the spell prevented it.
"Calm down, B heart." He chuckled. "I'm not gonna hurt you for defying me." My entire body trembled.
"I-I-I-I-." He cut me off with a kiss.
"Shhhh. It's ok. I promise. I won't hurt you, baby." I couldn't stop shaking. He put a hand on my cheek. "I love you." I thought my mind would explode. I couldn't move or do anything. All I could do was stand, shaking. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to. Yet." An entity appeared behind him.
"Boss? We know where the rift is and we are forming a plan to break it." Bill sighed.
"Ok. I'll be there in a second." The entity was a goblin like monster. He was tall, skinny, and green. One of his ears had what looked like a bite out of it. He had a permanent hunch and his mouth was wide open with a few large teeth. However, the most eye grabbing facts about the monster was the fact that his eyes were large 8 balls. The 8s were facing different directions so the beast looked cross eyed.
My breathing hitched. The monster was scary. Bill looked at my pale face and shooed the monster away.
"Y/N, that was 8 ball. He's one of my henchmaniacs." My eyes didn't leave the monster until he was out of sight.
Bill sighed and picked me up. We flew back to our room.
"I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry..." Bill looked at me. He kissed me on the forehead. My shivering didn't cease.
"How about you stay up here until I get back. I'll tell my henchmen not to come up here unless there is an emergency." I hung my head and nodded.
He must think I'm a self centered-.
Wait, since when did I care about what a demon thought of me?
I snuck a glance at Bill.
Since he was the most handsome thing to ever have positive feelings, if you can even call them that, for me.
A blush invaded my face and I put my head down again.
"Here. Now, explore around this room. I'll introduce you to the henchmen when I get back." I nodded and sat on the bed.
Once he left, I began exploring.
I found multiple notes for me. Like there was one in the bathroom.

This is yours. Do whatever you want with it. All I know is that it's a human necessity.

Under the note was a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of conditioner, and a bar of soap. He's pretty smart for a demon. I chuckled at my thought. I proceeded to push the hair products to the side of the vanity.
I looked at the large room. I had counted about 5 notes. One for the hair products, one for clothes and shoes, one for makeup, one for the books, and one for the rules.

Here are some clothes. If you want more, go to Pyronica. She can help you with that.

You don't need this bullshit, but if you wanna wear it, fine. You look hot without it but go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you.

These are the books. Not much explanation. Read whatever one you want.

1. You are mine and mine only. That was our deal, was it not?
2. You are to be addressed by anyone else as Goddess, Queen, or Princess. I will address you as B heart, princess, baby, or Y/N. If anyone addresses you not by the specified names, you will report to me.
3. If anyone but me is to touch you without my allowance, you will report to me.
4. You must address me as King, or Bill.
5. You may address others as their names.
6. Never lie to me.
7. Never leave the fear-a-mid unless instructed to by me, or an emergency presents itself.

I looked up. Are you kidding me? People can't even touch me without his acceptance.
"Thanks, Keyhole! That's a good plan. I will take over Blandan's body and get Shooting Star to hand over the rift. Six Fingers and Pine Tree won't even know what happened!" I heard Bill cackle. "Everyone, I want you guys to meet me in the throne room in 5 minutes."
"Ok, boss."
I heard footsteps get close to the door. I sat on the edge of the bed like when he left, a few hours ago. I made sure that everything about me was the same.
What's happening to me? I'm supposed to be strong willed and hard-headed. This isn't like me at all to just give into trickery like that.
"Princess." I didn't move. "Did you do any exploring at all?" I nodded.
"I... uh... read all the notes, I think..." He smiled.
"Good, Princess. And you agree? To my rules?" I nodded again. My gaze never left the floor. "There should have been 5." I looked up.
"I read them all." He smirked.
"Now, I want you to meet the henchmen." I gulped and slowly stood. Suddenly, my hand went gray and the hat went off my head.

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