Chapter 3

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"Are you ready, Susan?" I asked. She nodded.
"I am. I'm ready to marry the man of my dreams." I smiled. She had changed from the little nowhere town lady that I knew.
"There he is. Stanley Pines. You will soon be Susan Pines." She smiled. "Lazy Great Aunt Susan Pines, pie extraordinaire." She put a hand on my cheek. I beamed.
"I love you, Y/N. I'll see you when I'm Susan Pines." I smiled.
The music began. The groom stood next to the priest and Dipper. I walked out onto the carpet, gripping my flowers. Great Aunt Susan followed behind me and the flower girl.
"Here comes the bride." I sung in my head.
"Do you, Stanley Pines, take Susan Wentworth, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." His gravely voice seemed cartoonish. I stifled a chuckle.
"And do you, Susan Wentworth, take Stanley Pines, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." She lifted her light blue eyelid. I watched as both her eyes looked Stan up and down like a pawn shop owner deciding whether or not to buy a collectable.
"By the power vested in me, by the state of Oregon, I know pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Stan smiled and put a hand on Susan's cheek.
"I love you, Susan Pines."
"I love you, Stan Pines." My eyes got watery. It sucks I'll never have a love life that turned out as well as Susan's.

Time skip.

"Everyone, welcome to the reception of Stan and Susan's wedding!" A man shouted, one I had never seen before. "Have a good time!"
I smiled and walked up to Mabel and Dipper.
"Hey, guys."
"Hey! What's up?" Mabel exclaimed. She wore a sweater dress with a heart on it.
The necklace got really tight around my neck.
"You know what? I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get some air. Its kinda hot in here." They nodded.
I rushed out of the glass doors and leaned up against the side of the large events hall. The necklace released and fell on the ground. I slid my headphones over my ears to calm myself. My music blasted Avicii's Hey Brother. I let the calming rhythms wash over my tense body.
I bent over to pick up the necklace. I noticed a strange thing on the ground. It looked almost like... a hand. I bent down and grabbed it. Before I knew what was happening, the thing began to rise out of the ground. It was a stone figure of a triangle in a hand shaking position. I backed away quickly from the rising mass of stone. The statue disappeared and was replaced by a portal looking triangle. Little yellow flames were light in the shape of a triangle around he portal.
Suddenly, an eye opened in the middle of the portal like thing. Crazed laughing started. Everything went grey and slowly stopped. The frogs stopped hopping in mid air, dragonflies stopped, mid fly, deer stopped mid graze. I looked around, my eye never leaving the crazed portal thing. My hands trembled.
"Oh, Oh! Gravity Falls! It is good to be back!" The triangle portal became a flat yellow triangle with a brick pattern on his lower half, an single eye on his top half, a cane in his right hand, and a tall top hat on his top tip of his body. My eyes widened. This was the same triangle on my necklace.
"Wow... you are just... wow!" He exclaimed, looking me up and down. A blush invaded my face. He licked his lips in his eye, which sounds weird. It was weird to witness. The triangle eyed me up and down like a piece of freshly cut meat, hanging in a deli, just waiting to be purchased by a man who was at work all day and is going to take you home and prepare you for the wife and kids. "Names Bill Cipher. And your name, hottie, is Y/N." My heart beat sped. He waved his eyebrow in a seductive manner. I gulped.
"H-H-How d-do you k-know m-my n-name?" I stammered. My palms became clammy. The necklace burned in my hand. I dropped it and backed away quickly.
"Aww. It's that cute? You're scared shitless." My jaw quivered. "It's ok, cutie. I'm not gonna hurt you, yet." He half-closed his eye. "I gotta do this quick. I know they'll be here quick." He looked around, paranoiacally. I was about to ask who, but he began to talk again. "Look, babe. I need a queen for when I take over Gravity Falls soon. All you have to do is not cheat on me. That's your end of the deal, and my end of this deal will be total immunity from the next Weirdmageddon." I was frozen. I was just offered immunity from an apocalypse of sorts that I had no idea was even a thing. My jaw dropped, slightly. He chuckled and closed it with his small hand. "So, what do you say, doll face?" He extended his hand and it lit up with blue flames. "Do we have a deal?"
Suddenly, Dipper and Mabel exploded from out of the entrance of the events hall. I lifted my hand to shake Bill's.
"NO! Y/N!" Dipper shouted. I gripped Bill's hand and he leaned in. He placed a kiss on my forehead with his eye. The twins ran to me and tried to grab my hand to pull me away from Bill.
Before they could grab my hand, Bill grabbed my waist.
"See you Pines twins later!" He exclaimed. The twins screamed as Bill put a spell over my mouth so I couldn't scream. "I'm not Gideon, but he was on to something with this whole kidnapping thing!" I tried to scream but the spell wouldn't let me. Bill conjured a portal and readied himself to jump inside it. The twins' mouths contorted into horrified screams of fear.
"Bill! No! She doesn't want to go with you!" Bill stopped.
"She shook my hand, didn't she?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He jumped through the portal and Mabel and Dipper disappeared from view.

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