Chapter 9

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"Don't you dare tell me how to treat my Princess!" Bill exclaimed. He expanded until he barely fit in the room. "Don't you dare ever tell me how to do anything!" He roared. I continued to cry into my thighs.
"Leave me, the twins, and my fat thighs alone!" I exclaimed. Bill turned to me and he shrunk to his normal yellow triangle size.
"Princess, don't break the rules. Remember, don't lie to me." I stared him in the face, my eyes red from crying. He put a small black hand over my head and I began to float.
"No! Bill, put me down!" He chuckled.
"It's not me, sweetheart." He was right. He wasn't making me float, I was. I heard the twins gasp.
"Welp. I'm out of here. I'll never let Bill tell you all my secrets." I said. I flew towards the edge of town, but just as I made it to the cliffs, I fell the rocky dirt. I hear Bills laugh.
"How cute! Does Princess want to go back to her castle?" I felt two strong hands wrapped around me and pick me up. I opened my eyes to be face to face with Bill in his triangle form.
I kept a strong lip and didn't say anything.
"Come on. It's the last time you'll see Pine Tree and Shooting Star before Weirdmageddon!" Bill patronized me. He smirked. "Let's go spill some secrets." He placed a hand over my face and I blacked out.
I woke up in the Pines twin's bedroom. The only difference was that I was floating. My arm was exposed and my sleeve was pulled up. My heart stopped as I slowly turned my head to see the twins, their jaws on the floor.
"You... you.. cut... your... self..." Dipper didn't know what to say. Mabel was traumatized.
"You miserable man!" I screeched. "You ruined everything, Bill! At my rate, I could have been dead in a month! Nobody would have cared! Nobody cares about me! Just bring me to the cliff and dropped me off!" My feet planted firmly on the ground. Bill was nowhere to be seen. The twins were out of commission, so I ran out the door.
I ran all the way to cliffs. I stepped onto the bridge.
"This is it." I whispered to myself. "It's all over." I smiled giddily and wiggled my feet closer to the edge. I spread my arms. I pushed myself off the bridge.
I waited for the rushing impact of pain but it never came. I floated in mid air.
"You can't die yet. I need you." Bill's voice sighed. I looked around. Bill's human form floated by mine. A tear fell from his eye onto my stomach. I rubbed my head.
"Why aren't I dead yet?" I asked.
"You can't leave yet. I need you here." Bill wrapped his arms around me. "Please come back to the fear-a-mid." I paused and then nodded into his shoulder. He smiled against my cheek. "I love you." He whispered.
"I... love you too." I whispered back. He smiled weakly, against my skin. He kissed my neck.
He held me bridal style and brought me back to the portal. He carried a half asleep me to the fear-a-mid.
"King! Queen!" I heard a deep voice call. Bill turned so we could see
Paci-Fire, moving quickly towards us.
"Yes, henchman?" Bill asked.
"Please, graciously spare Pyronica's life!" Bill rolled his eyes.
"Is that what you're here about? That little hussy can be slowly eaten to death by maggots in prison for all I care." Bill growled, with a fire that he only got if he was talking about someone who hurt me.
"Please, my King! Pyronica is to be married to me in a month. She must be alive, sir! Please! Be merciful!" He exclaimed. He knelt. "Please, sir. Our future family depends on you." He looked silently and solemnly at the floor.
Bill stared at the groveling monster. He still held me in his arms.
"If I let you see Pyronica for half an hour, will you leave me be with my beautiful Princess?" His eyes, it seemed I could get lost in them. I smiled, a dorky smile. Bill turned his attention back to the frantically nodding entity.
"8 ball?!" Bill screamed. The specified being appeared behind Paci-Fire. "Please take Paci-Fire to see Pyronica. She is not to leave her cage but he can go in. Is that understood?" 8 ball nodded to Bill. He turned to me. He tipped his non-existent hat. "M'lady." I giggled and Bill's indifferent gaze turned colder. 8 ball quickly turned and walked away.
Bill continued to carry me to our bedroom. I made efforts to cover my arms but my attempts were fruitless.
I was wearing shorts so I decided to try and pull my shirt down over my legs. Bill hit my hand so I wouldn't. I groaned.
"Billllllllll..." I nuzzled my head into his chest.
"Whaaaaaaatttt...?" He chuckled.
"What was that foooorrrrr...?" He smirked.
"It was because you're beautiful, every part of you. Once we get to our room, I'll show you just how beautiful you can be." A blush invaded my cheeks. I laid my head against his chest and my heart skipped a beat as he planted a kiss on my forehead.
Eventually, Bill pushed open the door to our large room, locking the door from out side, locking everyone else out. He snapped and the lights dimmed.
"Now, Princess, where were we last time?" Bill mused to himself. "Ah yes!" He exclaimed and dropped me onto the bed with him on top of me. I giggled. "I believe we were... here." I bit my lip as he placed his lips gently on mine, making a shiver cover my body. Bill placed his hand on my thigh, making a smile appear on my lips. Bill laid me flat on my back.
"Now." He began. "To show you your worth." He smirked. He pinned my hands next to my head.

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