Chapter 1

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The old floorboards of my house in North Dakota squeaked. I moved across the floor of my 2nd story bedroom and grabbed my computer. I heard a car pull up downstairs. I pulled back the blinds to see a man I hadn't seen since his college graduation 5 years ago.
"Y/N!" My brother yelled. I scurried down the stairs to meet him.
"Sister!" I jumped on him and hugged him tight.
"I'm so glad you're here." I whispered. His energetic smile dropped.
"Well... I came... to bring you away from here..." I brought my head back from his chest.
"What do you mean?"
"Mom and Dad... they... didn't they tell you? The workers?" I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.
"Just tell me, Alexander." He sighed.
"Mom and Dad are dead, Y/N." My mouth dropped open.
He sat down and patted the seat next to him. I waveringly took the seat.
"Mom and Dad were in the old museum when it burned. I'm sure you heard about that." My mind overloaded with questions, but I couldn't move my mouth to ask them.
"So, you'll be shipped upstate to live with you great aunt, Susan." I shifted my gaze to his face. I could tell that he didn't want to have to do this, but he knew he had to. I wasn't going to get in his way.
"Ok... I won't try and stop you..." I said, my voice full of sorrow.
"I'll visit you as much as possible..." I turned my head away from him, signaling that we both know that wasn't true. "Please... got pack your bags and meet me outside. You're bus leaves in a few hours.
I trudged up the stairs, my mind kicking and screaming.
I placed my stuff in a few bags and zipped them closed. I looked out the window.
"Upstate, here I come." A tear fell from my eye and hit the floor. Something glistened next to it. My curiosity got the better of me, as it usually does, and I moved the junk on top of the thing aside.
I pulled out a small wrapped present. The tag said it was for me. I opened the card attached.

Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry, my Darling girl, that we wOn't be comiNg back from The museum's party. We wanT you to know that we will always and foreveR be with you, in yoUr heart and your mind. We love you to JupiterS moons and back. We are never That far, Baby, even when you get Illegally shipped away. Please, take this as a sign of our endLess Love for our baby girl. We love you, honey.
Love, Mom and Dad

I glanced around. Did they write this after they... no. They couldn't. That's impossible.
I pulled off the top of the box and found money, a piece of paper, and an amulet.

I pulled off the top of the box and found money, a piece of paper, and an amulet

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It was really creepy. It was on a necklace so I put it around my neck. A power seemed to sweep through my body. The feeling was gone as fast as it came.
I unraveled the paper to see a note of some kind.

Dear Y/N,
My name is Stanford Pines, but my friends call me Ford. I know that you are coming to Gravity Falls, Oregon soon and I must ask you to visit me. Please come to the Mystery Shack as soon as possible, the situation is urgent and you are a crucial part. I will explain the situation when you arrive.
From, Ford

I looked out the window at my brother shoving a few bags in the back of a bus. He checked his watch. I stuffed the items from the present in my back pockets and hurried out the door.
I looked up at the bus driver.
"Hi, kid." He said, emotionlessly. His stare never broke from the road. I pulled the last bag onto the seat.
I jumped up and hugged my brother. He rubbed my hair, and ran his fingers through it.
"I'm gonna miss you, brother. So much." A tear followed my face and hit the ground.
"Hey, Hey. Don't think like that. You'll be ok with Great Aunt Susan." I let out a small chuckle.
"Lazy Great Aunt Susan, pie extraordinaire." He chuckled too.
"Now you're getting it!" I smiled. I nuzzled my head in his chest. "Looks like the bus is about to leave." I sighed and got on the bus. I waved to my brother as the bus pulled away from the house I grew up in, but will never see again. I looked at my watch.
"Only 14 hours until..." I tapped the driver's shoulder. He jumped.
"Kid! Don't do that, we might get in a reck!"
"I'm sorry, sir. But, I have a question. Where is this bus headed to?"
"Gravity Falls, Oregon. Now go sit down, kid."
Gravity Falls! I recognized that from the note that was in the box. I pulled out the contents of the box from my back pockets again.
500 dollars, a weird necklace that's around my neck, and a note from a guy named Ford, who I've never heard of before this. What a jackpot.
I rolled my eyes.
I watched the trees pass as I played with the necklace charm in between my fingers. It felt oddly right. Like, this was what I was supposed to do.
Suddenly, the charm got hot in my hands. I dropped it, and the necklace part snapped. The jewelry landed on the floor of the bus. Just as it did, I spotted a sign outside that said:
"Welcome to Gravity Falls. Nothing to see here folks."
I raised my eyebrow and returned my attention back to the amulet, but it was gone.
"Wha...?" I looked all around, but the amulet was gone.
I looked under my bag, and it was there. Theres no natural way for the necklace to get there, without the help of an entity. I quickly touched the amulet and retracted my hand, but it wasn't hot. I gingerly picked up the necklace and it looked it over. It was different. It used to be blank on the back, but now it had a heart.
I gripped the amulet in my hand and fastened it around my neck again. The same power flux as before flowed through my arms.
Suddenly, I knew. An adventure awaited me in Gravity Falls.

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