Part three

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A few hours later, Derek was on a flight to Washington D.C. He spent the time reading through the files he was given. He called his sister to get her view on things. He knew she would definitely have an opinion and some information for him.

Cora soon picked up the phone. "Hey Der, how's things going??" She said in a happy voice. "Things are going good, I'm currently on my way to a new assignment" Derek smiled slightly at the happiness he heard in Cora's voice. "Really, where you going this time?? Wait, let me guess. Hollywood?? Florida?? Las Vegas?? Are you protecting a socialite, actor, actress??" Derek chuckled, "No, I'm going Washington D.C this time, to protect the presidents son." He sighed. He still wasn't ready for this. It would be the most important assignment he would have been on.

"Wait, really?!" Cora exclaimed. "Yeah I am, I wanted to know your opinion on it all and I was hoping you could find out some extra information for me, I'm sending you the files now" Derek emailed Cora the files. "Ok, I've got them and I'm looking through them now" Cora said before going quiet for a few minutes.

Derek stayed silent as he let Cora read, re-reading through the files himself. Cora spoke up after a while and told Derek what she thought. She told him about how she thought he was going to do a good job on the assignment and how Stiles looked like a good kid. She told him that he would need to keep a close eye on him to make sure Stiles doesn't get away from Derek.

She didn't have much information on the unknown terrorist group. Only that they had become well know within the last six months, even though they had no name. She said that there were rumours they were based somewhere in Mexico and that there were rumours that their leader was a young female who no one knows anything about.

After about an hour, Derek needed to hang up the phone. They both said goodbye and hung up. Derek sighed as he started to land. He put everything away and stared out the window, watching the ground get closer.

Once he was off the plane, he found his car and got in. Jones had sent it off the day before without Derek realising. He was in the car for about half an hour before pulling up to the White House. He got out the car once it was parked and met the secretary outside. She couldn't take her eyes off Derek. He sighed, he figured she probably wouldn't leave him alone whilst he was there.

She gave him a tour of the building. He looked at the paintings and art and all the other artefacts. The place looked more like a museum than a home and work place. How could anyone be happy living here even if it was beautiful?? The secretary took Derek to his bedroom and told him his bags would be brought up later on. She then left him alone.

He laid down on his bed and made happy noises when he felt how comfy it was. He had about two hours before he needed to go get Stiles from school. He decided to sleep for a bit. He was tired from the flight and still hadn't started to make an attempt on proper sleep routine from his previous mission, although there was no point trying to make a proper sleep routine because he never knew when he would be going on a mission or when he would be sleeping next. He set an alarm for about an hours time and then went to sleep.

The bodyguard   ((Book one of the Love At First Sight series))Where stories live. Discover now