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Ji Yeon's POV

Me and Woojin arrived back at the apartment. We bid each other goodbye and parted our ways.

I thew my bag carelessly to the floor. I sat down at the sofa and sighed. I'm tired. 

I decided to take a shower again and visit the retirement house. I want to meet Jinyoung again.

Woojin's POV

I sat down at the comfy bed and took a long deep breath. 

How have you been, mom? 

I decided to take a shower and get some rest. I don't feel good. I grab a glass of water before heading back to my bed. Before I sleep, I plugged in my charger to charge my phone and texted Ji Yeon but she was offline.

Ji Yeon's POV

"JINYOUNG!!!" I yelled.

"Ji Yeon?" Jinyoung turned his head towards me.

"Oh my, it has been a month since we met last time?" He said as he ran towards me and quickly pulled me into a friendly hug. But this hug was kind of distant. His face showed that he wasn't in the mood to see me.

"I guess so! Time goes by fast!" I chuckled in an awkward way.

"What brings you here though?" He asked me with an irritated voice.

"So you're saying you don't want me to visit here?" 

"N-no! Don't take it the wrong way!" 

"It's fine if you don't like it. I'll just leave. Besides you seem like you hate my existence here right now," I said as I left the place, walking quickly.

Jinyoung's POV

I don't mean it that way, Ji Yeon....

I just hate that you spend your time with Woojin.

If only you knew our past....

Woojin's POV

I am currently at the street foods. My stomach wants to eat meat but I have no one to eat with. Hm? Ah, I'll just call Ji Yeon! She loves Korean meat!

I took out my phone and called her.

"Hello? Woojin what's wrong?" Ji Yeon sounded like she was tired.

"Um..you okay? I was wondering if you might want to have Korean meat with me!"

"No thanks. If you insist, just eat at home. Or take away by what I mean," she said.

"Sure yeah!" I said as I hung up the call.


Ji Yeon's POV

"I'm here!!" I heard Woojin said as he entered my room.

"Yay!" I said.

I was still tired from Jinyoung. He tried to call me many times but I ignored his calls. He texted me saying that he had a dark past with Woojin. But why Woojin never tell me? I'm going to make him confess today.

"Here you go!" Woojin said as he sat across me.

"Thanks," I said before taking a slice of meat into my mouth. 

"So, are you okay? You seem tired," Woojin said and I put down my chopsticks.

"Tell me everything, Woojin. What do you have with Jinyoung in the past?"

"Which Jinyoung?"

"You know which one I am talking, Woojin."

"Fine. In the past, he was my best friend but ever since then he got fame. He stayed away from me and that was how our friendship broke. He always had a crush on this specific girl. He confessed but got rejected mean while his crush confessed to me. Since I was taking revenge on him, I accepted her. Jinyoung knew about it and that's how the bully started. He would often hit me with his friends, and his crush would often defended me. It raged him a lot and then he moved away," Woojin explained.

"Actually, when he started to bully me, I had Soo Ji and Ji Hun on my side already. Since Soo Ji was the pretty girl and famous, girls are mostly scared of her. Ji Hun is just a dork but rich so people didn't dare to mess with him. While me, same as Soo Ji and Ji Hun. I'm just rich, that's it," Woojin continued.

"So the three of us would usually pick on younger or weaker students to pick a fight with. We never got into trouble but the trouble was on Jinyoung."

"That was so mean of you both!" I shouted.

"Why you never tell me anything about this?" Tears appeared on my eyes.

"Now, I know about you. And I don't want to know more. It was really foolish of me to fall for a guy like you Woojin. Especially, when I know, that you are a playboy," I said as I took his hand and dragged him outside. 

"Goodbye, Woojin," I said as I wanted to take a step back but he held my hand.

"Please, Ji Yeon! Listen to me!" Woojin pleaded.

"It's enough for me, Woojin. Why must it be me who confessed my feelings first?! Why must I be the one who asks to hold hands first?! Why must I be the one who asks for a hug?! Don't you see how embarassed I am right now?!" I yelled.

"If this keeps on continuing to me, I think we should just not ever see each other again," I said as I took Woojin's hand to release me from his grip. He tried to take my arm again but I quickly took a step back and closed the door.

I cried behind the door. Why am I such a fool to realise this?

Woojin's POV

I messed up....I messed up big....

I couldn't handle this anymore. I decided to just leave all these feelings by going to the bar I usually go to.

I sat down and ordered for some strong alcohol.

I drank around 5 shots already, yet my heart still hurts. Suddenly someone stepped back and I saw Ji Hun.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" Ji Hun asked. Suddenly Soo Ji came and run towards the both of us.

"Stop! You've had enough!" Soo Ji said as she took my arm and rest it on her shoulder. But I let go of her and walked towards her. Soo Ji walked backwards and stop when she her back hit the wall.

"What did you tell Ji Yeon, Soo Ji? Hmm? Would you mind telling me?"

"You're drunk," she said.

"Soo Ji~" I pouted.

"I told her, that you, and me, love each other. More than friends," she said.

How I just wish, I could punch you right now, Soo Ji. But too bad, you're going to be my step-sister and you're a girl.

Before I knew it, everything turned black.

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