Chapter Two {First Day}

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{Rye Beaumont}
"Rye! Wait up," Mikey yelled, pulling Brooklyn close behind him.

I stopped, bouncing the football off my feet.

"You look like hell and you have about one thousand hickeys on your neck," I replied.

Mikey blushed as Brooklyn looked away.

"Ew, relationships," Jack said, walking up to us and laughing.

Brooklyn rolled his eyes, hugging Mikey.

I walked inside as the bell rang.

The khaki pants and the blazer I was wearing didn't really keep me warm, I should've gone with the jumper.

It's mid to late January and today England decided to be extra cold if that's possible.

I walked into English, dreading the fact that school is yet to be out for another few months.

I did my handshake with Jonah. (OOOOPPPS).

"What's up man," Jonah said.

I smirked.

"What?!" He said.

"Ew, relationships," I giggled.

He took out his phone and gasped.

"I'm gonna fucking kill Zach when I can," He said, putting the jumper up more.

I giggled as 'Bikey' walked into the classroom.

"You aren't the only one with about one thousand hickeys on your neck," I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"I told him no giving me any," Jonah whined.

Jack heard that and turned around.

"You really think a 17-year-old would listen to you?" He asked, Irish accent coming out clear.

Jonah blushed.

"Exactly," He said quickly before turning around because the teacher was walking in.

45 minutes Into class we heard a knock at the door and the teacher went outside, eventually coming back inside.

"So class, today we have a new student," And I knew exactly who it was too so I didn't listen to what he had to say.

All the girls were wondering who it was, if it was a hot Boy or something like that but then Andy walked in and all the girls got heart eyes.

"Andy, pick where you'd like to sit," the teacher said and he picked right by me since Jonah offered to move.

"I thought you weren't gonna show up," I whispered.

"Well, I need to do something with my life," He replied.

I rolled my eyes, handing him a notebook and pencil.

This class should be really interesting.

Classes went on per the norm until the last period, this is where all the boys are Like Brooklyn, Mikey, Jack D, Jack A, Jonah, Zach, Corbyn, and Daniel than a few others like Harvey and his girlfriend Loren.

I walked in and Andy followed.

Immediately Jack (The Irish one), Brooklyn, Mikey and Zach all ran up and gave Andy a hug, bombarding him with questions.

He looked really flustered.

"Okay I think we can save this for another time, Andy just moved here so give him space," I said.

They backed away.

Andy sat in the back, away from everyone, which I found odd because he's an open Person from what I found out today in class.

I moved seats, the teacher looking at me but then at Andy and giving her approval.

"What's up," I whispered.

"Nothing," He said, messing with the sleeves of his jumper.



He used my full name, goddamn him.

"Tell me," I begged

"Look, it feels weird being back okay? Everyone still kinda knows me and it's weird, I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I just want to go home," he whispered

"You only have an hour left," I said.

He nodded before he gave the teacher his full attention and looking really red.

The hour passed by slowly until the bell rang to dismiss us.

I caught up with Andy.

"Walk home with me, that's not a question, it's a demand," I said.

Andy shrugged then started to walk home.

We walked in silence for like 5 minutes until finally, he started to talk.

"I won't be coming back until next week, you can't say that I didn't try," Andy said, messing with his phone screen.

I gave him a soft smile.

"Hey, you're welcomed back and you know it. I may not know how the guys know you but they love you and I can tell that, also how long have you know that Bikey was dating?" I asked.

He smirked, "about 2 years."

"What the fuck," I said, "they came out to us 5 months ago," I continued.

He giggled as he walked up the road to our house.

After we got inside he didn't go into the kitchen but he went up to his room.

"Andy?" I called out.

"Yes," he replied.

"Brooklyn, Mikey, Jack and I are all ditching school and practicing football tomorrow, you wanna come since you're wanting to join the team?" I asked.

I could just tell he was smiling even though I wasn't looking at him.

"Yeah, I-I'd like that," He replied.

I smiled then let him go up to his room.

God, I needed to know more about this kid before I overloaded on how adorable he was.

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