Chapter Twenty-Eight {Strength}

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Im so sorry it's taking forever for us to get a chapter out! School has started for both of us annndddd I'm super stressed then things happened so yeah. Here's this v shit chapter.

Also, some of you guys have come to me on my insta or on here asking advice about mental health but in the nicest way possible please don't because I wish I could give good advice but how is that gonna happen when I Personally have things going on and especially self harm...I wish I could help but how am I suppose to help when I keep relapsing myself.

{Rye Beaumont}
At this point I was slipping notes into Andy's guitar case because I missed him so much but I couldn't face him yet.

I wanted to talk to Andy but I didn't know how to approach him.

I was slowly building up the courage to talk to him but the moment I went to talk to him, he was gone and slipped right under my fingers. Not in a bad way, just that he was gone before I could go talk to him so there goes that courage to try and talk to him.

The only other person who has ever tried to help me is Robbie and I didn't even know if he'd answer.

I dialed his number.

"Hey rye, whats up?" Robbie said cheerfully.

I stayed silent but then spoke.

"Andy," I replied.

I heard him sigh.

"I know you guys didn't break up because he's been texting me non stop about you and how much he misses you but I knew it was for a reason so what's happened?" He asked.

"Can...can we meet in person so it's easier to explain," I asked.

"Yeah, where?" Robbie replied.

"Mmmm, how about our spot?" I stated.

"Wow, haven't been there in awhile but sure, let's go. I'll see you soon," Robbie stated before hanging up.

Our spot is this abandoned house that no one ever wants to live in so we made ourselves at home and Brought blankets and pillows and a computer and snacks so we were comfortable then we would hang out as brothers and talk, but as we got older, we would visit less frequently and until finally we would only go there on our own.

The only time I would ever visit is when I need to breakdown and I want to be alone and nobody expects me to be there.

Maybe I should take Andy here one day.


As I arrived at the house and it was cold but hearing the floors creak upstairs gave me an idea that Robbie was here.

"Robbie?!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the room.

"I'm up here!" He replied.

I smiled then made my way upstairs.

After taking the last step I turned the corner and saw him.

"It's so good to see you," I stated, hugging him.

"You too bud, it's been awhile hasn't it?" Robbie chuckled.

I took a deep breath.

"I think awhile is an understatement," I replied.

"Bless," Robbie replied.

I gave him a sad smile.

"Anyway, what'd you call me here for? I know it wasn't to just see me," Robbie continued, trying his best not to make it awkward.

"I disagreed with something that Andy said and he still won't talk to me and I'm so ready to talk to him but I don't know how to approach it," I said, laying down on the palette that we made with blankets.

"Well where's he been first off?" Robbie asked.

"At Mikey's and Brooklyn's," I replied.

"Well, if you know for sure where he's at then go to the house because I personally think that if you go over to talk it shows that you really want too and are willing to make this work, not only that but it shows that you care and are willing to fix things. Rye, I don't know Andy like you do because you live with Dad and you've lived with Andy for awhile and I haven't, but from what dad has told me and what you've told me, Andy is a great kid and a great influence on you but it's up to you if you wanna continue the relationship and support Andy no matter what or you can leave him and be a douche just because he wants to what he wants, he may be younger but Rye, Dad has told me that he acts more mature then you and that's saying something." Robbie said.

I looked down, messing with my hands.

"Rye, if you really love him then go do what you gotta do," He continued.

I smiled at him.

"Thank you, I owe you, not just for this but for a lot of things," I replied.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm your older brother and that's what I'm suppose to do so don't stress it," Robbie replied, pulling me into a hug.

"I've gotta go now so hopefully I can catch Andy at the Bikey house before he leaves," I said.

Robbie smiled then winked.

"Good luck g, I love you," He said.

I blushed because it was Andy he was talking about.

"Thanks, I'll need it, and love you too!" I yelled as I made my way out the door and into the streets of London.

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