First Love

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I sat in my soft chair at my desk, my head in my hands as tears began to flow. No matter how much I tried to stop it, it seemed impossible.

How could he say such words? Words that kept and keeps on repeating in my mind, he called our son a brat and me a homewrecker. I know I have been called a homewrecker in the past but why does it hurt so much when he said it.

I feel like a fool. I believed him, he made me happy even if it wasn't very long but still I was happy. Kyle was happy. I thought he would finally get the father he deserved. The family we both deserve. I must've done something wrong in my past life to feel this much pain now.

Placing my hand on my pregnant belly which wasn't noticeable, "Don't worry sweetie, we don't need your daddy. It will be just you, me and your big brother Kyle."

I had been a single mother to Kyle now I will be a single mother to both my kids. This morning I woke up feeling refresh and revived. When I first found out I was pregnant, I admit I was scared to be honest seeing the father of my unborn child is still married. But he promised that he would divorce Dana. Just like every other guy who promises, make vows it's all nothing but shit hole. And later I grew excited. I had accepted that fact I was now pregnant. Walking out of my door this morning, you wouldn't have thought that I would be breaking at this very moment.

Thinking about my situation, my fury only grew. Even if he begs for forgiveness, even if he grovels, this time around I will never forgive him. I don't care if he knocks at my door telling me he made a mistake and he wants me back. My eyes now concentrated at my closed office door hoping he would've chase after me. No such luck.


Pressing the intercom, I answered, "Yes Tracy."

"Ms. Davis is here to see you." Tracy spoke with urgency.

Wiping my tears away I answered, "Ms. Davis doesn't have an appointment."

"I know she is insisting to speak with you." In the background I could hear some shouts.

"Kahn!" Miley burst through the door holding a shovel.

"What the hell are you doing with that?"

"That other bitch is down stairs making a ruckus."

"Okay, that still doesn't explain why you are holding a shovel in your hand."

"Oh, this." She waved the shovel, "This is for burying dead bodies."

I stifled a laughter, even in my depressed state of mine I still could laugh a bit.

"And this," In her other hand she began waving a pitch fork. "Is to hit her with."

"What the hell Miley, where the hell did you get that? As I recall we don't carry shovels and pitch fork in our supply closet."

"I know, I got them from my office."

My face now became stoic, who in their right mind had a pitch fork and a shovel in their office.

"Put those things away before you hurt someone. This is no damn movie."

"Awe you're no fun." After Miley put the gardening tools away we dragged our feet down stairs only to find my two-security team blocking and trying to contain a very angry Bailey.

"What is going on here?" My hands instantly on the side of my hips.

"You, you back stabbing bitch." Bailey attempted to push my security team away with no luck while Miley pulled me back behind her as if she was shielding me from the crazy brunette.

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