One Hell of a Surprise

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Today's the big day. Dana and I got up early to prepare ourselves. I had offered to help but it was said that help was not needed.

Though my tuxedo and Dana's dress were not custom made it was from the same fashion designer that Bailey and her grew fond of.

"Hon." I called out to Dana.


"Does your parents even know Kanna's back?" I know that question was going to upset her but I had to know. For some odd reason I just had to know.

"What the hell Michael, we are going out and your thinking about her."

"Don't start with me, it's just a question." I countered.

"For your information mom didn't mention anything to me and as for dad, he's been acting weird lately." She rolled her eyes. "Now hurry up let's go, we have to be there before it starts."

Fixing up my tie, Dana stood before me, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"My dress, how does it look?"

"Um," my eye traveled down her long figure. "The dress is beautiful as always."

"That's it?"

That's what? What did she want me to say? I complemented it.

"Michael, I meant how do I look in the dress?"

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"I did say that."

"No, you said how does my dress look."

"How can you be so handsome, smart, yet oblivious at the same time." Her eyes narrowed at me.

"I don't want this to be the start of another come on let' go where late as it is."

The ride was long and quiet. Dana has been sulking for whatever reason. Did she expect me to compliment her every time we go out? She already knows how beautiful she is. Even after giving birth to Lacy, her figure never faltered.

Finally arriving at our destination, we parked our car. Thankfully there was one parking spot that we found considering the amount of cars parked. I'm sure she's bound to notice.

Walking through the door we were silently greeted by the guests.

"Finally, you guys arrived." Brandon straddled towards us with a drink in one hand.

Looking around, I, well Dana and I were in awe. The room was amazing. Especially the decor. In fact, the decor looks oddly familiar but I just can't place my finger on it.

"Dad, this is something, this is wow." I was amazed Dana can appreciate such arts. Yes, the walls were filled with flowers as well as the tables, there were pole like statutes and candles.

"When, who; how did you manage this all by yourself?"

My thoughts exactly.

"Well when Brandon sets his eyes on something he gets the job done." My father Ed roughly patted his back.

"Who knew a man with such talents can create such exquisite designs." My mother Susan teased. But we all know Brandon was anything but creative.

"I had helped." Brandon gave off a quirky smile. "But let's talk later and come take your places. They'll be here any minute."

Without a second thought Dana and I took our places with the other guests and we counted the seconds that went by.

Suddenly the door flew open revealing Jack, Bailey, and Linda while every guest here including us yelled, "Surprise Happy 54th Birthday Linda!"

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