Cat Fights

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"What the mother fucking hell, damn people need to look before backing up." My eye raking my now dented door.

Granted it may not be a hundred-thousand-dollar car, but it was still my car. It got me from point A to point B.

"Well no wonder you can't see you have those big wind shields on."

Who the hell does this bimbo think she's talking too.

"How is this my fault you dumb bitches." I removed my glasses to only glare at the dumb bunches before m.

As soon as I met in contact with somewhat familiar faces I heard my name being spoken, "Kanna."

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

"Wait you know her?" That deep husky voice that haunted my dreams ever since I left turned his head to the other man before him, Jack. I haven't seen him in ages. Last, I saw him he was in college finishing up his exams while working for his father. Granted he looks more mature and his body build is more defined. Same goes for Michael, he's not as skinny as I once remembered must be working or something. I must've made an impression seeing they both look like they've seen a ghost. Wait they know each other? I guess considering they ran in the same circles. Damn rich people.

"Kanna." A shocking gasp was heard from none other than me half-sister Dana.

"The one and only." I muttered. "Now let's get this done."

"Are you willing going to pay for the damages on my car?" My head instantly turned to another brunette who I have not seen.

"Excuse me but I think it's the other way around dear." I all but smiled.

"Do you not notice the bump on my car...."

"I had the right of way. It's not my fault you did not see my car coming." I cut her off, "No way in hell I was going to pay for something that was not my fault."

"Do you know who I am or my father for that matter." The brunette stared me down.

"Like I fucking care."

Suddenly I felt a hard grip on my arm, my eyes following his hand up towards a face I tried so hard to forget, my brother in law.

"Kanna what the hell are you doing here?" He gritted his teeth. His words sounded cold and emotionless. Now that was harsh.

After all these years of not seeing me or him you'd think he would lighten up the mood.

I harshly pulled my arm back, "Nice to see you too dear brother in law." We both had a staring contest and in no way in hell I was backing down.

"Brother in law? Dana is she the tramp you spoke off?" Dana's friend mumbled.

"Tramp, whore, slut, call her whatever she is it doesn't matter because she will always be one." Dana slammed insult after insult.

I don't care if she is my sister but I will beat that grin of her face if she doesn't back down.

Glaring at the two women and men before me is my worst nightmare.

I got to put an end to that stupid looking grin on her face. "Well Michael did you tell Dana that when she's the one sucking your dick it's me you see." I smirked.

"Kanna!" Michael barked. While Jack had a look of disbelief. Dana heinous, and the brunette disgusted look on all their faces. Who gives a fuck.

Seconds later after my comeback Dana's grin turned into a scowl. "You fucking whore." She grabbed my hair and threw me against my car.

I fell hard and hit my head against the pavement. My head now pounding as I felt blood trickled down the side of my face.

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