Kyle Matthew

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KANNA (Kyle Above)

"Well that was fun."  Greg gave me an awkward smile.

I could still feel some of the stares and glares at the back of my head as Greg, Kyle and I walked away trying to salvage whatever dignity I had left.

Nope, I'm not going to cry.  They can't break me.  I won't show them how much their words hurt me.

I came here with good intentions.  For once I thought I could be accepted into their family.  Whatever feeling or thought I had felt is useless.

Sweet heart!"  The footsteps from behind approached me.

"Brandon get over here now."  Again, that voice.

Turning around slowly with Kyle in my arms, he reached out for Brandon."  "Hi there, son."  He cooed taking Kyle into his arms.

I could see the love an adoration he had for Kyle.

"Sweetheart please stay.  Do not let Linda get to you.  Don't mind whatever she says."

Easy for him to say, he's not the one being insulted.

"As much as I would like to stay I can't.  It's her birthday and I don't want to ruin it more than I already have."  Taking Kyle back into my arms, Greg stepped forward, "Mr. Frost thank you for allowing us to join in your special occasion."

Though Greg appeared to be smiling, I know on the inside he'd like nothing more than to bitch talk his way through the crowd.

"Kanna!"  Another dreadful voice I fear called from a far.  Boy I must be popular today.

My eyes wondered towards the voice belonging to my handsome brother in law.  The years has done wonders to his physics.  No longer was he the skinny boy but his clothing like makes his body more define after all he is in his late twenties.  Now he as that more masculinity towards him and I'd be lying if I said he didn't make my panties drenched because he did.

Oh, gone are the days where he'd looked like fresh out of high school, now I can see he has also a more rugged look with a stubble on his chin.  My god what woman would do to ride that big boy.

"Michael!"  Snapping out of my thoughts I heard my annoying sister screamed well more like belched.

"Yes."  I blinked away whatever tears that threaten to spill at this very moment.

"You don't have to go."  I can almost see his sincerity.  Well I said almost.

Smiling, I'm sorry but it's time for Kyle's bed time."

"Kyle."  He repeated as if the name was foreign to him.  "Your son?"

I gulped nervously nodding my head.

"Ga Ga."  Kyle called for his grandpa.  Hey it's the best he could do considering grandpa is such a long word.

I watched Michael watching Kyle as if he was trying to solved an impossible equation.

"Brandon?"  Brandon looked at Michael before taking Kyle into his arms once again.

Suddenly two very loud voices came barreling across the room.

I had almost forgot they were here, in fact we were now surrounded by a flock of spoiled rich ingrates.

"Brandon."  Linda screeched again.  I swear after this night I may need a hearing device.

"Linda, I know it's your birthday but just for tonight Kanna and her guests are staying."  Brandon this time put his foot down.  I was surprise he was able to stand up to his wife.

"But daddy..."

"No buts Danna, that is final."

Dana huffed while once again clinging onto Michael's arm.  Really why don't she super glue herself to him.

"Okay, people show's over get back to partying."  Greg bellowed like a big boy.

So, we ended up staying.  Greg kept me company throughout the night seeing no one wanted to even have a decent conversation with me.  Jack kept giving me these looks from angry then pity then sadness then back to angry again.  Come one really make up your mind.

I could sense he wanted to talk to me even if it's for a few seconds but Bailey kept him preoccupied.

Dana made sure to keep Michael away from me by sitting on his lap.  Though his stares on me were that obvious as I made eye contact and in nowhere I refuse to back down.

Unfortunately, I shook nervously when my father decided to introduce Kyle to his other part of the family.  Even Michael's parents were overly fond of Kyle, they two showed Kyle around with such enthusiasm.  It's like they had a secret of their own.  And to think I was okay with him introducing Kyle as his grandson.

But now I just want to take him and run far away.

"Get that thing away from us."  Dana pointed at Kyle as if he was diseased.

"Dana!  What is wrong with you, he's just a child."  I smiled knowing Michael stood up to her.

Once again, they were receiving unwanted attentions.

Slowly making my way towards them I was pulled back by none other than Jack.

I waited for him to speak but when he didn't I pulled my arm back and continued my way to my so called dysfunctional family.

Michael was now holding on a scared Kyle.

"You take your snot nose brat away from my husband."

"Okay see here, I don't mind you insulting me but say one more word about my son and I will break more than just your nose."

"Look young lady I had tolerated your actions and words for far too long but you will not talk badly about our little boy here."  Even Susan defended Kyle which had me at an awe.  Dana quickly shut her mouth after that.

"So, he is your son?"  Jack asked seeming to not believe what he just heard.

"Is this really true?"  Michael tilted his head to the side.  Why is it so surprising that I have a son?

"You are a whore you know that."  I was shock being called this word again.  No, it wasn't Dana or Linda but it was from non-other than Jack.

"Jack."  Brandon barked, "Don't forget she is still my daughter."

"No, she is not, she is just a mistake a reminder of your mistake.  I want her out of my house now!"  Linda crossed her arms.

Oh, look since when have I been to the center of attention.  Actually, in the family I seemed to be in that center.

"No, Linda, she is my daughter and this right here is my grandson Kyle."  Brandon introduced us like a proud grandfather he is.

"Grandson."  Michael Kept repeating everything as Kyle played with his tie.  I'm so glad Kyle is too young to understand what is going on.

I was speechless.  Why does Michael keep repeating everything he hears?  It's like this news to him is shocking and he is only hearing it now.

Must be the age.  I was told as you grow older the mind is the first thing to go.

Oh well time to put more icing on the cake, besides how could it get any more worse, "Yes, Michael my son, his grandson, and your son."

Last thing I heard was shouts plates crashing and screaming banshee namely Dana.  Oh, by the way did I mentioned Happy Birthday Linda.

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