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MICHAEL (Dana pic above)

Exiting the ladies room, I made sure no one spotted me. For some odd reason I felt relax until I saw Dana conversing with her cousin that the guilt consumed me once again.

Didn't I just told myself to stay away from Kanna? But just the sight of her makes me forget.

My eyes yet again wondered towards Kanna. Damn eyes...

I don't know how Kanna manage to do it but she had walked around with no panties. I smiled inwardly. Even though she was the one to walk out on me, I couldn't help but laugh at the situation she placed herself in.

Everywhere she went she kept pulling down her dress. It was a funny sight to see. I could almost see her cursing my name.

Hours has pass and the party finally ended. I felt myself relax that is until Dana and I entered our honeymoon suite that we had book.

Sitting down on the soft king size mattress I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and undo the first two of my buttons while removing my tie when a very angry Dana stood in front of me. Her hands on her hips, "What the hell Michael!"

I raised my head to look up at her.

"How could you? At my wedding, you humiliated me."

Standing up I pulled her closer to me, "I'm sorry." Is all I could muster.

"You're sorry! You called another woman's name at our wedding and not just any woman my sister's and all you could say is your sorry!"

What else is there to say?

"Tell me Michael did you sleep with her?"

Her question baffled me. How was I to answer. My face probably had guilt written all over.

"Michael you did!"

When I didn't answer she took that as a yes.

"At least deny it please." Her sobs only made me feel regret.

"Hit me, punch me, slap me I don't care. I deserve it."

Dana took that opportunity to throw slap after slap when she suddenly flinched.

"Is that..." Slowly she pulled back my collar. "Take it off."


"Your clothes off now."

In a haste Dana removed my clothes only to find evidence planted on my chest and neck. Scratches and bit marks.

"You had sex during our wedding." At that moment, I didn't feel regretful, I know I should've been but truth be told I would actually do it again if it meant I get to hold her in my arms. Snap out of it Michael, you love Dana. Is what I kept telling myself. How much of it is true and how much of it was a lie, I wondered.

I could hear the shocking gasps in her voice, "Tell my Michael, when, was it before or during?"

I couldn't lie to her, I didn't want to lie to her. "Before and during." I answered honestly.

"Michael Black, how could you? How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long have you been sleeping with my sister."

"I just 3 times."

Glancing down her anger only escalated when she had pulled out what I had kept in my back pocket of which belongs to Kanna. "Her panties! Really Michael."

I stumbled back at her unpleasant attacks.

"I can't believe this. We are married and are about to have a kid soon and now this." Dana yelled when she stormed out of the hotel room still in her wedding dress and clutching onto Kanna's panties.

And I didn't have the nerve to stop her, so I sat alone on my wedding night waiting for her and hopefully she will come back.


That bitch. That homewrecker. I stormed out of that room marching down stairs in search of that lying conniving bitch.

"Dana, slow down dear. Why are you here and not with your husband?" My mother pulled me towards her.

"Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

"That back stabbing bitch." As my mother was about to speak I saw her turned the corner.

My lips curled in its place, my eyes twitching, my fist clenching as I march up to her with heavy footsteps and slap her hard. "Bitch." I yelled. She fumbled back and didn't even have the time to retaliate when I pulled and yanked on her hair throwing her back and forth.

She screamed for me to let go but I was long gone and only wanted her to feel what I'm feeling., sheer pain.

"Dana." My mother grabbed me trying to pry me away from this whore.

"What is going on in here?" My father boomed.

At the sound of his voice everyone stopped.

There stood Kanna, her face bleeding and bruising. I'd hope to cause more damage so she would be unrecognizable but that will just have to do.

"Yes, Dana tell us why you decided to attack her?" Mother questioned.

"She slept with Michael." I threw her panties at her. "You fucking whore."

My parent's eyes went wide. "You did What!" Mother then slapped her hard.

"Linda! Enough of that now let's hear it from Kanna." Father turned towards Kanna, "Is it true?"

Kanna only remained silent before she nodded her head timidly.

"See Daddy, I want her gone. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve to be a part of our family."

"What, no, you can't send me away." Kanna only frowned.

"Well Kanna I'm sorely disappointed in you. How could you sleep with your sister's husband?"

"Please I'm sorry don't send me away."

"Well child you are just like your mother, a gold digging whore." My mother chimed in.

Kanna raised her hand and slapped mother. "Mother." I squealed.

"Do not talk about my mom that way."

"Kanna! I'm sorry but I think I have to send you away."

"Send me away. You can't. This is my birth home where my friends are. I'll be 18 soon and if you wish I will move out and you won't have to see me again." Kanna pleaded.

"No daddy don't listen to her. If she's here she will only seduced Michael, please send her away." I pleaded. Usually daddy get's me what I want, whether it's a new car down to a new wardrobe, and right now I want her gone. Gone from my life, gone from my home, and especially gone from Michael.

Daddy shook his head, "I'm sorry Kanna, this is for your own good."

"For my own good! Since when were you thinking of me." Kanna paused, "Please you can't send me away. I don't want to go away." When Kanna stood her ground, I saw daddy call for his men.

Two of his men appeared and grabbed Kanna by her arms, "I barely came home and already your sending me away. What kind of father are you?"

"I thought bringing you here would benefit all of us but instead you brought nothing but trouble." Daddy spoke coldly. "I'll make the preparations um how does England sound? From there you can continue your studies and be whoever you choose to be."

"You feel so threated by me that you would send me to another country." Kanna laughed.

"Take her away and make sure she'll not get away." Daddy ordered his men.

They just about to take her away, Kanna turned towards me getting the last word, "Karma is a bitch ain't it Dana?"

I watch as Kanna was being forcefully dragged out of the hotel and out of my sight.

"Dana, what did Kanna mean by that?" Mother asked.

"" I stuttered while I place my hand on my slightly protruding belly.

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