Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I tried not to let my urgency show as I wove between the crowds of people

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I tried not to let my urgency show as I wove between the crowds of people.

Caspar. He was here. He was alive.

He seemed to be waiting for me as I finally pushed through the last of the crowd, tripping over a man's boots and falling right into Caspar's arms.

"Rose." He straightened me, his hands on my waist.

I buried my face in his chest, so relieved that he was here, he was alive and safe and well, "I thought you were dead, or-or worse and I didn't know where you were or—"

"Rose!" He cupped my chin, smiling a little and brushing a curl out of my eyes, "I'm fine, I promise. The seeker is dead." His smile turned mischievous, "Concerned, were you?"

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, "Only... only a little." I was very much aware that we stood so close. And that his hand was on my waist, burning through the fabric of my dress.

"And Yuna? Is she safe?" He captured another curl, winding it around his finger.

I swallowed, "She's fine. She woke up a few moments after you left, told me not to worry that you'd be safe, said something about someone named Simon waiting for her, then disappeared from my room."

Caspar nodded, then caressed my cheek, leaning down to touch his forehead with mine. I closed my eyes, my heart pounding out a rhythm I was sure he heard from my chest.

"You were so brave, Rose." His voice had dropped in volume, becoming more... intimate, "Never before has anyone willingly sacrificed their life for mine. I own my life to you."

I shook my head, "But... but I didn't do anything. I was useless."

"Look at me." He said fiercely, the first true emotion I had ever heard in his voice. I opened my eyes and met his, struck by the intensity in his murky blue depths, "You are not useless. If you hadn't distracted the seeker, I never would've been able to cast the location spell. I would've died if it hadn't been for you."

I smiled, butterflies squirming in my stomach from the look he was giving me.

How badly I wanted him to kiss me.

The entry doors blew open with a bang, disrupting the gala that I had been ignoring. Caspar and I turned, confused, and I caught a glimpse of the woman striding into the Great Hall with purpose in her steps. She wore a burgundy dress with a shockingly low neckline.

I began to shake. I knew that woman, I was sure of it. I may not have seen her face, but I kNew it was her.

"Caspar," I hissed, turning to him with my eyes wide in urgency, "that's—"

"Janile." He finished, narrowing his eyes, "I know. What is she up to?"

We listened as she declared Lilac an imposter, much to the shock of the guests of the gala. I'd known for a while now; whoever that girl was, she wasn't Lilac, and I knew her name was Lily, but I hadn't been planning on exposing her like this.

"We need to help her." I said as we watched the guards deliver her to Alaric and Evangelina.

I had taken two steps when Caspar pulled me back and shook his head, "Not yet, Rose, we won't be able to do anything right now."

I listened to him, but I wasn't happy about it.

Evangelina declared her the imposter by stumbling away, but Lily surprised everyone, including myself, by fleeing from the hall. Everything went down in chaos.

"I have to find my brother." I told Caspar over the cries of outrage and fear and shock.

He nodded, "Go. I'll meet you later."

I went to make my way through the crowd, but as before, Caspar grabbed my arm and yanked me back, hastily pressing his lips to mine, then pushed me away again.

Dazed and flushed, I wove through groups of guests whispering and talking, desperately looking for my brother. I found him in the same spot she left him, a circle of space surrounding him as though no one else dared to approach the prince.

I laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Evander—"

"Don't. Don't talk to me, Rose." He jerked his shoulder away from me and disappeared into the sea of guests.

Tears blurred my vision. I couldn't imagine what he must be feeling. Hurt and betrayal and confusion.

Eventually, someone announced that the gala was over and the guests were strongly urged to return to their homes or rooms if they were staying at the palace. I followed the tide, thinking about Caspar and Evander and Lily and Lilac.

I wasn't even surprised to find Caspar waiting for me in my chambers.

I immediately began to pace, plucking a shawl from the changing shade, "We have to do something. Alaric won't give the poor girl a chance to explain herself before he has her killed. We need to get her out of here and hear her side of the story."

"I agree," Caspar said seriously, "but that will take a fair amount of careful thinking and planning."

I knew that. We would have to get past the guards, unlock her cell in the dungeon, get her out while avoiding the guards, and find a safe place for her. That was a lot, almost too much.

No. We could do it, I was sure of it, but Caspar and I couldn't do it on our own.

I spun around to face Caspar, "We need Evander."

He stared at me, "What?"

"We need Evander's help. It sounds mad, I know, and he'll need a lot of convincing to help, but for this to work, we need him."

"Are you sure?"

I stalled in answering. It was only the beginnings of a plan, but I just had this feeling that it would only work if Evander was on our side.

"Yes." I stared firmly, "And Yuna will have to help too."

Caspar said nothing for a moment, then shook his head with a hint of a smile on his lips, "You would've made a wise and good ruler, Rose, if you were the heir."

I wasn't used to such high praise.

I never thought of something like that, since Evander would be crowned, and the only expectation I had was to marry someone good.

Could I really rule?

Could I really rule?

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