Chapter Eighteen

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My frantic knocking on the thick oak door matched the frantic beating of my heart

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My frantic knocking on the thick oak door matched the frantic beating of my heart.

The secret conversation I had overheard resonated within me, whispering danger.

"Caspar!" I called urgently, my knocking persistent.

I heard a muffled voice from within, then the door was pulled open.

"Caspar, thank goodness, I have... so much... to... tell you..." my cheeks filled with color.

I caught him at the worst possible time. He must've been right in the middle of dressing when I insisted on him coming to the door.

"Rose? What is it?"

I averted my eyes, for there was no safe place to look. Inexplicably, the kiss from last night popped into my head.

I cleared my throat, "You're busy, I'll come back later."

I was sure he rolled his eyes, "If you have something to tell me, then come in, Rose. It will be easier to speak privately."

The words of the conversation came back to me, for that was what the man said to the woman, Janile.

I swallowed, eyes aimed skyward, "All right."

He stepped back to let me inside, but first I glanced up and down the hall. Even though my reputation was already ruined, I still felt uncomfortable walking into a gentleman's chamber unaccompanied.

Caspar'a chambers were quite bare and drafty, causing me to shiver and pull my shawl closer. He must've seen because he muttered a few words under his breath and a fire suddenly roared up in the grate. The room became much warmer.

"Have a seat." Caspar gestured to his four poster bed.

I perched on the edge, ready to jump up at a moment's notice. I kept my eyes straight ahead and prayed that he would put on a shirt soon.

"I know the spy's name." I blurted out.

Caspar stopped dead, then dropped the shirt he had been about to put on and turned to look at me.

"How?" He demanded.

I gulped, flustered and unable to think straight, "I-I overheard a conversation on the third floor. I hid in a wardrobe."

A deep frown settled over his features, "That is unsettling indeed. Who is it?"

He took a seat next to me on the bed.

I did not turn to look at him, "A woman by the name of Janile. She does not work alone, however, a man is helping her."

Caspar growled low, "I should've guessed."

Despite the highly inappropriate position we had found ourselves in, I turned to him, "Do you know her?" Our knees almost touched.

Caspar had a dark look on his face, "Janile is a snake. She is ruthless and vicious. I should've known Morgana would've sent her on this mission. What else did you hear?"

I shook my head, "Not much. Only that Morgana is becoming impatient, and Janile is planning something with my brother."

"Janile is a seducer, she might be planning on putting Evander under a spell."

I snorted and said without thinking, "Good luck with that." Evander knew basic protective spells against dark magic.


I bit my lip, cursing my thoughtless mouth, "Nothing, it's nothing."

Caspar narrowed his eyes and leaned closer, a tactic I was sure he used to get people to tell him things, "Rose, is there something you aren't telling me?"

I promised long ago to never speak of Evander's secret.

It was very hard to concentrate with him so close, "N-no..."

There was a tense moment where neither of us said anything, just stared each other down. Something changed in the air between us.

That blasted kiss came into my head again. My eyes dipped to his lips without thinking.

This... this is dangerous.

My breathing all but stopped when Caspar leaned closer still, just as caught in the moment as I was. One hand reached out and I felt his warm finger tips caress the soft spot beneath my jaw, the other at my hip, burning through the fabric of my dress. I shivered at his touch, my eyes fluttering closed.

It felt like an eternity, both of us in something that was dangerous, but tempting and enticing. So when his feather soft lips tentatively touched mine, I was caught. After a small moment, his lips became bolder, demanding more. His fingers slid up into my hair, his other hand finding the small of my back.

This is wrong!

I jerked away, face hot with embarrassment and sheer stupidity. I jumped up from the bed, gathered my shawl, and hurried out of the chamber.

"I'll... I'll see you at dinner."

I only made it so far before I collapsed next to a suit of armor.

My lips tingled from where we kissed. I could feel his phantom fingers, caressing my jaw.

This was bad, this was very, very bad.


I lifted my head and saw Lilac standing a few feet away. She studied me, then her lips curled into a small smile.

"You look like you could use some company." She said, taking a seat next to me, "Is everything all right?"

I chuckled a little, "I would lie and tell you yes, but I can't muster up the courage to lie."

Lilac nodded solemnly, "Then you needn't say anything. Sometimes silence is the best remedy."

So in silence we sat. I closed my eyes, still feeling Caspar's lips and his hands. My skin burned everywhere he touched me.

This was very bad.

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