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You know it's hard when you can't keep up with everyone
The thoughts are coming so fast but they are not the thoughts that you want to have
People are coming; they said they want to know more about you and how you love the stars and how the moon fascinates your entire being every night as you watch it together with the unwelcome thoughts in your mind
And you being you, ended up giving them the key to your messed up life and giving them the oppurtunity to mess with it even more
But you never doubted.
Not even once.
Because you felt their sincerity.
But of course, as always, you are wrong in so many ways
You are wrong about a lot of things
And those wrongs are the reason why you cannot be right anymore
That you cannot be the same person again after all those stupid sentences they gave just to ease the pain that you already felt and still feels,
And for them to feel that they are the nicest person in the world and they deserve a spot in heaven beacuse of their so called act of kindness
but rather,
it is complete act of fakeness.
And after all of this,
You will be back again with nothing but the shredded hope you only have and now had
Everything keeps falling apart-including you
and you are watching it live
With a beating heart

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