chapter 9

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Gerard spent yesturday thinking about the whole Mikey and Frank situation. Mikey...his own brother..has threatened him and made him completely paranoid in the new town just because of one failed highschool love. Either something else bad happened with him and Frank that he left out in the story he told Gerard on the phone or hes really fucking overdramatic. Gerard guessed it was a mix of the two.

But either way, the fact that Mikey thought he had the right to just control what he does like that angered him and he really wanted to make Mikey realize that Gerard is an adult now and he can do whatever he wants to do. He already hated Mikeys guys for what happened a few years ago in May...but this made him hate him more.

Well...he didnt hate him completely.. he was still his brother...he didnt block-him-and-never-talk-to-him-again hate him, though he wanted to, he was just super fucking pissed at him. He did something that day in May that Gerard would never forgive him for. He would never even forgive himself for it and it wasnt even his was completely Mikeys. He didnt undedstand why Mikey would want to do such a terrible terrible thing. was it for blackmail? was he wasted to? or maybe it was another highschool grudge? either way it was terrible and Gerard would never forgive him.

So because of all of this anger, Gerard was determined to show Mikey that he has no power on Gerards life. He was going to continue to talk to Frank.  Not only was he going to talk to Frank, but he was going to date him. He was really going to get back at Mikey.

Though Mikey wasnt the only reason he wanted to get with Frank. He genuinely liked Frank too. He was cute and an absolute creep but in an adorable way. He loved how awkward he was around Gerard and how he stared at him so often. Gerard loved feeling powerful like that.

Now if it weren't for the may incident, Gerard probably would listen to Mikey. He wouldn't want to but he wouldn't go dating someone Mikey hates. But Mikey definitely deserved this.

Gerard pulled his shoes on and walked to the bench as soon as the clock read 3:00.

He smiled to himself when he saw that Frank was there.

"hey where where you yesturday?" Frank asked as soon as Gerard sat down.

Gerard smirked "what..did you miss me?"

"n-no I was just curious. I mean its become a routine for you at this point so it was a little strange to see you not at the bench"

"oh nah I was just taking a lazy day. didnt do much yesturday" Gerard said

" didnt have anything to do with the person, did it?" Frank asked, concerned.

"oh no dont worry. The person is just my brother...he lives in New York so he cant really stop me from doing anything or hurt me"

"okay good" Frank smiled

Gerard scooted a little closer "wanna hang out somewhere a bit warmer and not so..public?" Gerard asked

Frank laugehd "why? plan on murdering me or something?" Frank joked.

Gerards smug expression quickly changed into fear as flashbacks of may came back. He noticed his leg start to shake. He felt like a monster...he was a monster..a disgusting monster who deserves to be locked up forever...No...Mikey was the monster. Mikey did that...his own brother did that...He hated Mikey. He hated Mikey so much...

Gerards thoughts were interrupted when Frank asked "you okay?"

Gerard took a deep breath and looked up "oh uh yeah sorry"

"what happened? sorry did I offend you or something?" Frank asked

"no no dont worry its just something that happened"

Frank didnt dare to ask questions "okay"

Gerard composed himself and returned to what he was previously saying "anyway..I was wondering If you wanted to go hang out at my house. It's much better to hang out inside than some old bench in the middle of fall" Gerard chuckled

"yeah that sounds great! but this bench is great, by the way"

Gerard smiled and stood up "yeah...I love wooden benches and ass splinters" he said sarcastically

Frank laugehd and followed him to his house. Once they stepped in Frank looked around, amazed. He noticed a few comics spread around and scattered art supplies. He was definatelt a total nerd. Not as edgy and creepy as he originally had thought. He actually seemed kind of soft.

"dude your house is beautiful" Frank said

Gerard laughed "thanks"

Frank spotted a guitar on the couch "you play guitar?!" Frank smiled

"I mean kind of...not really I just know a few chords. but I play it often. I mostly sing though...and draw"

"That's super rad"

Gerard smiled "I'm assuming you play too? just from your reaction"

"yeah. I've played since 13" Frank said

"ooo can you play me something?" Gerard asked, excitedly.

"I mean um I'm not that good but I guess. what's your favorite song?"

Frank sat down and picked up the guitar.

Gerard sat down next to him "uhh...  I really like a lot of music but I'm currently loving space oddity by David bowie"

Frank smiled "I love that song!" He began to play.

Gerard admired the way his fingers moved on the frett board and his face as he concentrated on getting the chords and strum right. He admired how he did a slight dance as he played and the overall beautiful sound that came from what he played.

"sing along!" Frank smiled

"do you really want that?" Gerard joked

Frank nodded

Gerard smiled and started to sing.

Frank stopped playing for a moment, completely in shock from the beautiful sound that just came from this mans mouth.

Gerard quickly stopped "sorry hah I'm not really that good" he said

"what no you sound absolutely beautiful. I'm sorry I was just shocked.. please keep singing" He started to play again and Gerard blushed as he continued to sing.

Frank stared at Gerard for most of the song fondly. His voice was so beautiful.

He finished the song and put the guitar on its stand over in the corner.

"you sound great!" Gerard said and clapped

"thanks but God damn you sound absolutely amazing" Frank said

Gerard smiled "thanks"

They continued chatting for a few hours. They both realised how much they had in common and Frank left feeling quite weird. Not in a bad way. He just felt butterflies in his stomach and he felt like he never wanted to leave that house. He felt so comfortable and happy with Gerard and he didnt know why. He just wanted to spend every day with Gerard and he only met him a few weeks ago.

And Gerard was definitely looking forward to seeing him tomorrow at 3. He could tell the man was starting to at least crush on him and he was excited to get back at Mikey.

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