chapter 3

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Frank woke up earlier this morning and spent the day playing guitar until 3, when he would make his way to the park.

He saw a hunched figure in his usual spot, holding a sketchbook and scribbling carefully onto the paper.
He walked closer and sat cautiously toward the edge of the bench. The man didnt even look up.

He took this time to study him more up close, he was unable to really do that at the cafe.

He had concentrated eyes and his tongue stuck out while he drew. His messy sketch book said a lot about him and the way he studied every inch of the paper as he drew, along with the dark outfit he wore. Frank hoped he wouldn't have to find a different spot to go to. But if this boy returned in a regularly pattern he would need to. The point of his bench is to relax and get away. People would defeat that purpose. but part of him almost wishes the man would continue returning to the bench..maybe sharing it wouldn't be too bad.

He spotted what he was drawing. it was a tall man with white hair, wearing some type of jacket that reminded him of something you would wear in a marching band in highschool or something.

The man looked up. "ever heard of privacy? you're getting awfully close there buddy" he mumbled.

"oh uh sorry. it was very good though"  Frank scooted away after realizing he was about 2 inches from him.

"anyway, I'm sorry but I have already claimed this bench" the man said and eventually shut his book.

"actually, I have lived here for 15 years and I have sat at this bench every day at the same time for all 15 of those years. I've definitely claimed it before you, why else do you think it's so empty around this area?" Frank said. He was shocked at how drfinseive he got and went to cover his mouth but saw The man smile and looked confused.

"what do you mean? I doubt you have anything to do with the emptiness" The man said

"actually I do. I've scared everyone away from this area?"

The man sarcastically laughed "you? you're the most non intimidating thing I've ever seen. Its pathetic" Gerard said.

Frank now started to dislike the new guy "whatever this is my bench. Share it or find a new one" he spat.

The man looked at him in shock, surprised someone that small and cute could be so defensive and angry.
He looked down at the ground, Frank knew what his answer was and smiled.

"so um..whats your name?"

"uh..I'm Gerard"

The man sighed and leaned back, pulling out his sketchbook and continuing to draw, but making sure Frank wasnt able to see.

He closed his sketchbook after a while  and walked away without saying anything to or even looking at Frank.

Frank leaned back and finally relaxed. He texted Ray

F: His name is Gerard

R: how did you find that out?

F: he sat at my bench and tried to claim it. long sorry short, I surprised the dude with my defensiveness and decided to introduce myself to make up for it after being a little rude

R: yo you didnt say anything too bad right?

F: nah I kept it low key. But damn that guy is cold

R: still crushing on him? :)

F: I never was in the first place, I just said he was good looking. but no, hes kind of a jerk. Hes weird. idk how to explain it

R: Dang that's disappointing. I was kinda hoping we could be friends with him and be cool again

F: when were we ever cool

R: whatever

He headed home and stopped to get a coffee first. The man was walking into his house across the street. It was a nice house but it looked pretty dark inside from what he could see. He walked home and thought about the crazy stuff that just happened. He is going to get himself murdered if he keeps talking like that to guys like him.

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