chapter 10

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After a sleepless night of endless thoughts, Frank walked to Ray's house early in the morning

"Frank its 9 in the morning what the hell"

"that's a good time to wake up anyway. I could have came much earlier" Frank closed his bedroom door and plopped next to his feet.

"yeah but dang you're up early compared to your normal sleep schedule" Ray sat up and yawned

"its important!" Frank exclaimed

Ray rolled his eyes "you're glad I love you"

"yeah whatever. speaking of love: I think I actually am crushing on Gerard"

"yeah tell me what happened! I saw you going into his house yesturday" Ray looked interested

"yeah he suggested that we hang out indoors and I was expecting to like get killed but actually it turns out hes a huge comic nerd and has the singing voice of an angel. He's so cool and hes good to talk to. We talked about completely pointless and boring stuff for like 2 hours and it was amazing"

"um Frank this isnt good"

Frank looked confused "why not?"

"hes an absolute edge lord. you have no chance. and from what I've heard and seen, he probably hates your guts"

"no but hes been different. hes been much more normal and kind. He was only mean before because of a situation with his brother but it's all good now because I talked to him and now hes being all nice and normal"

"wait what?"

"I dont know..I didnt ask too much so I really dont know but I guess his brother doesnt want him talking to people here or something and it's like really bad.. like theres been threats but I really dont know any details"

"wait dude that's sketchy. who's is brother?" Ray asked

"I uh...God, I forgot the name he mentioned...I dont even know"

"well if you're really in love with him" ray jokes "then go for it. but I'll make sure to stock up on icecream just in case"

Frank laugehd "I'm not in love but yeah whatever. I'm going to text him right now actually. and you know what? just to prove you wrong ima ask him on a date" Frank smirked and took his phone out

"that's pretty risky seeing you just met"

"I'm opening our chat now" Frank said

F: hey wanna go get lunch later? theres this really nice pizza place, my favorite actually, not too far from here. and then maybe after that we could chill at your place again? or mine if you want to

G: That sounds great! what time?

F: I'll pick you up at 12?

G: perfect! and yeah let's go to my place after

F: sounds great! see you at 12!

G: :)

"That conversation was way too enthusiastic but at least he said yes" Frank mumbled as he set his phone away.

"I'm telling you theres something off about this. a few days ago he was threatening you in the store and now hes all bubbly and nice. and I dont think whatever you said to him really changed him that much" Ray said

"He probably just decided his brother is stupid and he wants to make friends again. I think you're over thinking it" Frank said

"well you're the mind reading master" Ray said sarcastically "so let's chill until you have to pick him up and you two have fun or whatever but be sure to observe and let me know how hes truly feeling about all of this"

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