chapter 2

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"wait you didn't actually dump milk on her right?" Frank asked, looking at ray with amazement in the story he was telling. They were sitting on Rays bed with guitars scattered around the room.

Ray nodded and smiled "I sure did. listen man, I was intense in high school and this chick was totally messing with my friends heart. Like he was a complete mess and then she was getting all up in my face so i dumped the little milk cartons you get at lunch on her."

"well i know who to call now the next time someone breaks my heart" they both laughed.

"speaking of heart breakers, did you hear about the creepy guy that moved into town. he looks like he eats hearts for dinner. But like in a cool way" Ray said

"are people actually talking about some random dude moving in? like i get that the town is small but people move in like every two years and its never a big deal"

"No but this guy is scary.. like people are staying yards away from him in the stores. And almost never leaves his house"

"I almost never leave my house either, and im not scary" Frank said

"we became friends because you literally studied every inch of my body and tried to scare my off by knowing where I ate breakfast and what instrument I play. You're freaky as hell"

frank rolled his eyes "that's just a party trick. But like i'm not 'beat people up and murder animals' creepy. Wait do you think he's a murderer.. like what kind of creepy is it?" Frank asked

"exactly that. I'm pretty sure the reason he never leaves his house is because hes planning a mass extinction. or at least that's what I heard" 

"aw come on, I doubt it. Hes probably just a little lonely or socially anxious. Have you ever seen him yourself?"

Ray nodded 

"describe him" Frank said

"His hair was pitch black and about semi shoulder length. it was messy but in a hot hes not hot but his hair was...and he wore black skinny jeans with a leather jacket and a worn shirt under it" Ray said 

"okay but like give me details..any types of stains or holes and if so, where" 

"he had a hole towards the bottom of his shirt and what looked to be paint scattered around his  shirt"

"maybe hes an artist? that could explain the never leaving the house..wait ..when you saw him you acted normal right? like you didn't move away or make any faces?"

"no of course not" ray said

"okay good."

"hes a creep. like I kinda want to get to know him but at the same time I never wanna go near him"

Frank laughed "He sounds pretty rad"

"you wont think that after you see him. lets go on a walk, maybe we can bump into him at the store" Ray offered

"alright lets go"

They pulled on their shoes and frank walked quickly, excited to hopefully see this interesting man. 

They first walked around the park . Frank looked at every bench and around every tree. 

He spotted one old guy with black hair and a nirvana shirt

"is that him or your grandpa?" Frank said with a chuckle.

Ray elbowed him "not cool."

"it was a serious question!" Frank exclaimed

Ray rolled his eyes "lets check the store."

While walking around the store, Frank couldn't keep his hands off the items.

"dude this new man is probably EGGcelent" Frank said and held up a carton of eggs.

"You are no longer my friend" Ray said and smirked when he saw a loaf of bread "that joke made me loaf you"

Franks mouth dropped "dude you just killed me in my own game. that was totally uncalled for"

"i know..." he looked for something paper like and grabbed a napkin "my puns are just TEARable" Ray laughed at Franks expression.

"i'm going home" Frank said.

"no you're right, I think we should leave now. Lets check the cafe and if hes not there we will just have to wait until he comes out of his hibernation" Ray said as they walked through the automatic doors.

"yeah" Frank laughed and kicked leaves around as he walked. They made their way to the cafe and Ray spotted him.

"hes right there. lets go in and order some coffee or something. It will give us an excuse to sit where you can see him for a while because I know your creepy ass will wanna study him" Ray said

Frank laughed "deal"

Once they ordered coffee Frank chose a booth with a perfect side angle of the man, so he wouldn't notice them staring at him.

Frank looked him over. His hair, his worn jacket and jeans, his eyebrows, his converse. He was in desperate need of a new pair. He also noticed the way he held his drink and bagel. He was definitely an artist and his brightly stained hands suggested he worked with some type of marker or ink quite often.

"dude i don't know what you were talking about but he is hot as hell" Frank whispered to Ray.

"of course you would think so. Weirdo" he mumbled.

"also, he has my favorite bagel. He has good taste" he whispered again.

Ray chuckled a little bit and they finished their coffee.

"He seems like a pretty innocent guy"Frank said as they walked back to Rays place.

"i'm never trusting your person reading skills ever again" Ray said .

Frank rolled his eyes and they plopped on the couch, Ray grabbed a guitar and they messed around, creating chord progressions to be used in songs.

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