chapter 13

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Frank and Ray went back to Ray's house eventually and waited for him to return. They talked and watched a few episodes of The Office.

The door swung open tiredly and Ray walked in, threw his shoes, and plopped on the couch with a smile.

"Well hello there" Frank said

"you're odly tired" Gerard added

"yeah. the date went well" Ray smirked

"oooo Ray! I cant belive it! finally!" Frank exclaimed

Ray shot him a glance "okay listen it's almost happened many times and that's more than you can say"

Gerard laughed and Franks face went red

"well I'm glad it went well" frank said "but did you really have to call me out in front of him?" Frank whispered

Gerard laugehd harder "I'm also glad it went well" Gerard said when he finally stopped laughing.

"thanks. so what did you guys do? you didnt start a fire or ruin the house did you?" Ray joked

"nah we hung out at my place for a little" frank said

Gerard and Frank both smiled brightly

"why are you two smiling like that?" Ray asked

"we're together" Frank said

"woah. didnt you two just meet tho? I mean i see why Frank was so desperate to get together so quickly but damn Gerard you could get anyone. you didnt have to settle for that so quickly, ya know" Ray said to gerard

Gerard laughed "nah hes a cutie"

Frank blushed "yeah so shut it, Loser"

Ray shook his head "so childish" he mumbled

"okay at least I didnt accidentally kiss a jock and then get threatened right after!" Frank said and smiled

Ray turned red with embarrassment "hey! Gerard did not have to know that!"

"hes our friend now. Hes going to know a lot" Frank smiled

Gerard looked confused "wait what?"

Ray sighed and told him the story

Frank and Gerard were both laughing as he finished

"its not that funny" he mumbled

"it definitely is" Gerard said

"hey we should all go on a double date sometime" Ray suggested

"aw yeah that would be super rad" Frank said

"ooo fun!" Gerard agreed

Ray yawned "anyway I'm gonna go to sleep early. you two can stay here or go wherever I dont really care" he stood up

"alright. what do you wanna do?" Frank asked Gerard

"wanna go watch a movie at my place?" Gerard asked

Frank nodded, excited "were gonna go watch a movie" Frank smiled and they got their shoes on

"alright you two have fun. Dont get Frank pregnant please" Ray said

"oh my God Ray" Frank said

Gerard laugehd and they both left.

Frank held Gerards hand as he drove to Gerards house.

Once they were settled on the couch, Gerard turned on Netflix

"what do you wanna watch?" Gerard asked

"something cool" Ray said

"very specific" Gerard giggled "how about 13 going on 30? It's super weird but super good" Gerard suggested

"aw yee I love that movie!" Frank exclaimed

Gerard smiled and turned it on.

Towards the middle of the movie, frank got sleepy and rested his head on Gerards chest.

Gerard smiled and put his arm around him. He thought about when he would actually tell Mikey. The first time they Fuck? Tell him now? tell him by sending him an invitation to their wedding a few years ahead? He kind of wanted to tell him soon. Send a picture of them and say 'Fuck you' then block his number and live happily with Frank but also he wanted him and Frank to really be in love. He wanted Mikey too see the love just from one picture and he wants the love to stab Mikey in the chest, leaving him speechless and hurt. He wants Mikey to think about it all the time. How the only person he ever loved is now in love with his brother. He wants him to live the rest of his life alone in agony because of it. He wants him to regret being so cold. Loving no one but Frank. Mikey didnt even love his own brother and that was obvious after what happened in may. Gerard wanted this love to affect him like may affected Gerard.

"you alright?" Frank interrupted his thoughts

"oh..yeah I'm alright"

"you sure? you seem tense" Frank said

"yeah I'm okay dont worry" Gersrd smiled

"alright" Frank said and placed a kiss on his cheek

Gerard blushed and continued watching the movie.

Frank fell asleep on Gerards shoulder. By the end of the movie Gerard was ready to sleep too. He laid down and still cuddled Frank. He smiled as he fell asleep. This is the most peaceful and happy he's ever been.

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