chapter 11

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"what did he do? was he mad?" Ray asked

"no he just...he kissed back. and he gave me a hug when he left" Frank realized what he was saying "I think he likes me but now that I think about it, that might be even worse" Frank said and sat down

"well Frank if he kissed back then obviously you're fine. he likes you. why are you all panicked"

"isnt that too fast?" Frank asked.


"like was it too soon to kiss him? doesnt moving too fast ruin it? also I'm not even sure if I want to date him anymore"

"what do you mean? I thought you were like falling in love with him"

"yeah exactly"

Ray just looked at him confused

Frank sighed "I dont want to fall in love and get crushed. I haven't dated anyone since highschool but at least then I definitely sucked at relationships and I doubt that has changed. remember that one way guy I was telling you about?"

"way guy?"

"yeah that was his last name, I forgot his first"

"oooh right! yeah I remember"

"yeah. that's the best relationship I've had and it was a disaster"

"okay but you're not in highschool anymore. you're a full grown, mature...or well you're a full grown adult"

"I'm scared. what if I don't even know how to date anymore?"

"Frank that's ridiculous, dating isnt something you do or dont know how to do"

Frank groaned and laid on the floor starfish style, staring up at the ceiling.

"Frank you're so over dramatic"

"no I'm not!"

"you came in here acting like you were being chased and then exclaimed that you kissed someone, making me worried that he beat you or something for it and it turns out , your date went perfectly"

"exactly! it went perfectly but that's not so good!" Frank exclaimed


"because it's not! once upon a time I thought he was super rad and I wanted to date him but I've changed since then, Ray!"

"it was literally this morning" Ray rolled his eyes

"dont interrupt! I thought I could get any guy I wanted and it was just some fun game and that we were fucking soulmates or whatever but I realized now that love is scary."

Ray sighed "yeah. it is scary. and it will be. But you'll be okay. It sounds like things are going well so i really dont think that even you could mess it up. and if you do? oh well. it happens. Everyone goes through heartbreak, its normal. you'll be okay" He said

Frank sat up "thanks, Ray"

"yeah no problem, drama queen" Ray smiled

Frank smiled back "whatever but anyway, I do want to slow it down a bit. I dont want to jump right into dating him"

"good choice" Ray said.

"can I sleep here for tonight?" Frank asked

Ray nodded and laughed at him "sometimes I find it hard to belive you're actually 25"

"I cant disagree but this time it's only bc I'm too lazy to go home"

Ray laugehd "wow. hey, do you think I could meet Gerard tomorrow? I wanna be friends with the cool guy too!"

"yeah I'll text him and invite him here"

F: hello!

G: what's up?

F: Today was really fun, thank you.

G: i had fun too! thanks for inviting me

F: anyway i was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my friends place tomorrow. It's 3 houses from mine, the tan one.

G: ...I dont know where your house is either

F: its white

G: ah yes! that one! because it's not like most houses here are white too

F: okay smart guy, its 36. Ray's is 39

G: alright cool, what time do you want me to show up?

F: surprise us

G: will do

F: see ya!

G: yep!

"He will be over tomorrow" Frank said "anyway, I'm real tired to I'm going to sleep now"

"alright.. do you wanna go up to a bed first? the floor cabt be very comfortable"

Frank was already asleep when Ray said that

"alright guess I'll leave you down here then" Ray mumbled and shut off the light to go upstairs to his own bed to sleep

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