chapter 19

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*10 years later*

"frank even if you dont love me back" Ray frowned at the ground "you need to find someone. it's really not good to still be stuck on Gerard still after all this time"

"I like you Ray. But I dont love you. I love Gerard. I still somehow love Gerard"

Ray shook his head and went to the kitchen for a water.

Frnak continued talking to himself despite Ray being in a different room "his warm hands, the way he held me so gently and the little kisses he gave me. His laugh, his art....his voice" Frank sat up straight "can we go visit?"

"visit where?" Ray walked back into the living room holding the water bottle.

"the town. the bench"

Ray frowned "not a good idea but if you really want to.."

Frank smiled "just once more. who knows, maybe I'll find someone there"  he smirked.

"alright get in the car I guess"


Frank practically ran to the bench.

"woah there slow down, buddy" Ray tried to catch up "I'm getting older"

Frank sat down on the bench and smiled to himself.

Gerard was living in the same house he had lived in previously. Mikey had gotten married and He hadn't heard from him in years. He regretted holding onto all of the drama Mikey brought him. He regretted taking him so seriously when it came to Frank. He was just being a dick. Looking back on it, he probably wouldn't have told. No he definately wouldn't have.

Gerard had tried dating other people to move on from Frank but none of the relationships worked out. He only loved one person but that person moved away long ago and has probably already moved on. So he planned on living alone and he was quite okay with that.

He left his house to go on a stroll through the town. Maybe stop for a bagel.

He walked over to the park and for a moment his heart stopped. Either he was going crazy or someone new moved in who looked just like Frank just with shorter hair.

He walked casually, as to not look suspicious, towards the bench to get a closer look.

Frank turned his head to take a look at what was behind him, he heard the leaves crunch when Gerard came closer.

"Gerard?" Frank was speechless, he looked so beautiful.

"Frank? what are you doing here?" Gerard walked over to the side of the bench.

"just decided to visit I guess. How are you?"

"Oh I'm good I guess. Still living alone." He shrugged "what about you?"

"I'm doing good. I'm living with Ray still but hes been talking to some guys so I think I may need to find somewhere different soon" Frank laughed.

Gerard giggled "yeah I missed you two"

Ray and Frank smiled "we did too"

Gerard and Frank locked eyes for a while before Gerard leaned down and planted the softest kiss on Frank's lips.

"how are things with Mikey?" Frank asked

Gerards hand fell from Frank's cheek and he stood up "oh yeah he's already married and moved on. He grew up finally"

"oh that's good" Frank smiled

"the whole situation with you and everything, it was just a childish thing he was doing. He's over it. He's actually become a wonderful father from what I've seen"

"I'm glad"

Nothing was said for a few minutes. Gerard played with some leaves with his feet.

"so uh..wanna hang sometime?" Frank asked

Gerard smiled "that would be great"

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