20. Peace Dove

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It's finally time for awards. My throat closes up as they start announcing mini duet awards. Kendall clasps my hand and I squeeze it tightly. A win would prove that I am good enough to be on the team, and maybe Abby'll let me come back.

"In fifth place, we have Unicorns from the Norine Allan Studio For Dance."

My heart pounds. It's so close. I can taste victory on my lips.

"In fourth place, congratulations to When You Wish Upon A Star from Serendipity Studio!"

We're so close. I know that we can beat the ALDC. I can just imagine Abby's face when Kendall and I take home the trophy.

"In third place, congratulations to Journey to the Sunshine from Candy Apples Dance Center!"

My heart sinks, but Kendall and I put on a smile as we get up and take the award. I find Abby's eyes in the audience. She's shaking her head, but I can't tell what her expression is.

"In second place, give it up for Hold On To Me, from Norine Allan Studio for Dance!"

I smile at the second- place winners, who are high- fiving each other.

"And your top- scoring mini duet/ trio of the competition... let's hear it for Snake Charmer from the Abby Lee Dance Company!"

Kenzie and Nia bounce up and receive the award. Melissa stands up and screams. Abby's smiling, clapping for the girls. The competition's photographer takes a few pictures, then we're told to sit back down.

I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I sit down. I really thought we had a chance to beat them. But third place? Second place might cut it, but there's no way Abby would consider me for the team again.

Our group dance wins fourth and the ALDC wins first overall. It's pretty harsh. We walk back to the dressing room morose. I even hear one of the moms muttering that I was the reason the group dance failed. And although I don't want to think so, I'm pretty sure I was. Again, not my fault. I didn't even want to dance this week.

I watch the ALDC mothers walk into the dressing room. They let the mothers in first to talk, and the kids stand outside. They let the kids in later.

I walk over to Kenzie. She turns away. "What do you want, Vivi?"

"Kenzie... why don't you want to talk to me? I did nothing wrong."

Maddie comes over, and the rest of the girls follow.

"You did nothing wrong? You were on our team. And you just left us for your Candy Apples!" Maddie says. "That's not 'nothing wrong'."

"Not only that, but you entered a duet directly against Kenzie and Nia. That's basically saying that you think you're better than us, and as teammates we shouldn't do that." Paige says.

Chloe nods. "You know, I liked you. I thought you had potential."

Nia frowns. "That was a big backstabbing for us, you know."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore." Brooke says. "You've quit the team now. So can you just leave Kenzie- and the rest of us- alone? We don't need you here."

Kenzie turns away, running in the other direction. I start after her, but Brooke holds out an arm. "Sorry, Vivi. This isn't the place for you."

I turn around and walk away, hot tears streaming down my face. I didn't quit. It was because of the snow, because my mom refused to drive me. I wasn't the one who entered the duet. I didn't even want to be in the duet.

Kendall notices me and runs up to me. "Vivi, what happened? Are you okay?"

I nod, not wanting to tell her what just happened. By the time we get to the dressing room, I've managed to stop the tears. I don't want my mom knowing I've been crying. My mom is singlehandedly ruining my life.

Vivi-Anne at the ALDCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora