8. Ready, Set, Dance

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The music starts, and we start to dance. Abby's corrections are swirling around in my head- fix that shoulder, straighten my leg, point my foot... It's not until I glance at Kenzie to check the timing that I remember to smile. I glance at Abby in the audience and see her shocked face. Shoot. Am I doing something wrong?

I realize I've stopped dancing- only for two counts, but enough for Kenzie to nearly kick me in the face. I quickly continue dancing. When the music finally ends, we strut offstage. As soon as we get backstage, she runs behind the curtain towards me, and wraps me in a hug.

Kenzie laughs. "You're okay, right Vivi?"

I nod. "Yeah."

Kenzie shrugs. "Okay. Did you forget in the middle? I feel like you stopped for a second."

I feel the warmth rushing to my face. "Um... yeah. I looked at Abby and she threw me off a bit."

Kenzie giggles. "Don't worry, that's happened to me hundreds of times. Here's a tip- don't look at Abby or the moms when you're dancing. Just the judges. Looking at Abby or one of those moms judging you is always kind of scary."

"Thanks." I tell her.

We watch Maddie, Chloe, and Paige dancing. Their dance is really pretty. Midway through the dance, though, Chloe's headband slips down and covers her eyes like a blindfold. The audience instantly becomes really quiet. I realize they're about to get to the front aerial, and Chloe's still blindfolded. I'm about to faint. You have to be able to see the floor during a front aerial!

Luckily, she manages not to fall, and the rest of the trio goes really well. When Maddie gets backstage, Kenzie leaps on her and wraps her in a hug.

"Oof! Kenzie!!!" Maddie grunts, laughing.

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