31. Family Court

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IMAGE: Vivi is wearing the same outfit as she is in the picture above.


We stop at the local court, and my heart stops. "Why are we here? I thought you said we were going to meet with my mom. What's happening?"

"Don't worry, honey, we're going to see your mom here. Let's go!" Melissa says. She sounds excited, but I can tell by the way she adjusts her skirt and necklace that this is slightly more important than she's letting on.

She leads me into the building, and is immediately escorted past the front desk. We go down a long hall before reaching a set of wooden doors. There's a sign beside the door that reads. "Courtroom #3". Beside it is a display board that reads,


JUDGE: Clark, Kim Berkeley

Personnages: Cathy NESBITT- STEIN and Melissa GISONI- ZIEGLER


My heart sinks as the realization sinks in.

My mom is giving Melissa guardianship over me.

And even though Mackenzie is my best friend, and Maddie's always really kind to me, this hurts. When I was adopted, I felt like I was wanted. I was happy that there was a couple that wanted to love me, and I eagerly loved them back.

I might have more fun at Melissa's, but this only proves to me that I'm not wanted. First, I'm up for adoption. Then, I get a home-- only for my mother to give me away four years later. And I don't even think Melissa looks happy about this.

She holds my hand. "When we go in, there are going to be a couple of benches lined up. We're going to walk straight through the middle until we get to the front of the room, and we're going to sit there, okay?"


She opens the door. The courtroom is smaller than I had expected. It's not tiny, but definitely not as big as the ones on TV. We walk to the front of the room. There are only a couple people in the benches, none of whom I really know.

We get to the front and sit at a table. I realize then that my mom is at the other table. She smiles at me, but I can tell it's her fake smile. The one she gives when she sends her weakest dancer onstage for a solo and tells her "I know you can win." Or when she's trying to get on a mom's good side.

Melissa squeezes me tight. "Okay, Vivi. There might be time when the person sitting there-" she gestures to the judge's chair- "might ask you a question, or they might want you to do something... don't be afraid. Tell the truth, and do what she asks. It will all be okay."

I nod, unable to speak. I'm too scared that if a word comes out of my mouth, I'll start crying. This can't be happening. I can't believe that my mom is never going to see me again.

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